The Direct Connection Between BLM and Hamas

We Should not be Surprised When Revolutionaries Support Revolution

The first version of this article was first published at The Standing for Freedom Center out of Liberty University. It has been modified and expanded for American Reformer.

In the wake of the recent attacks by the Palestinian-backed terrorist organization Hamas on Israel, a disturbing trend has unmistakably emerged. Demonstrations in support of Palestine and Hamas have erupted on college campuses, particularly at Ivy League schools like Harvard and state colleges and universities. There have even been major pro-Palestinian (aka pro-Hamas) rallies in major cities like London and Washington, D.C.

This surge of support for a terrorist organization is deeply concerning to many onlookers.

Concerning? Yes. But for anyone who has been tracking the woke movement over the last decade, it shouldn’t be surprising

Why? Because support for Hamas on the “progressive” Left in both America and around the world is a logical outgrowth of their worldview, one that we’ve seen on clear display over the last decade in their support for other violent organizations, like Black Lives Matter (BLM). In fact, there is a clearly traceable, direct correlation between support for the Marxist BLM movement and support for the terrorists in Palestine.

But don’t take my word for it—take theirs. 

The Black Lives Matter Grassroots organization recently posted a lengthy statement on their social media defending the violence undertaken by Hamas as an “act of self-defense.” In their statement, they said:

“As the world is faced with deep questions about self-determination, as we all desire and pray for a world of peace, we must stand unwaveringly on the side of the oppressed. When a people have been subject to decades of apartheid and unimaginable violence, their resistance must not be condemned, but understood as a desperate act of self-defense.”

They go on to add:

“Black Lives Matter Grassroots stands in solidarity with our Palestinian family who are currently resisting 57 years of settler colonialism and apartheid. As Black people continue the fight to end militarism and mass incarcerations in our own communities, let us understand the resistance in Palestine as an attempt to tear down the gates of the world’s biggest open-air prison.

As a radical Black organization grounded in abolitionist ideals, we see clear parallels between Black and Palestinian people.”

This is what many conservatives have been warning about for years now. Black Lives Matter isn’t just some movement for “racial justice” or “racial reconciliation.” No, it’s a borderline domestic terrorist organization, built on lies, that finds common cause with the most violent actors around the globe. They are finally showing their true colors, and it is in the green and white of the Hamas flag.

Furthermore, it’s important to realize that these pro-Hamas demonstrations are not isolated cultural incidents. They are part and parcel of a larger movement that has taken root in our society, one that goes even beyond BLM, a movement characterized by ‘wokeness,’ diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, and support for Marxist ideologies. This movement, which certainly includes groups like BLM, champions causes that are at direct odds with traditional American Christian values and principles.

They want to see the Western world burn. And they will set a match to anything that stands in their path.

Support for BLM and support for Hamas are, in the minds of their misguided adherents, driven by a desire to challenge the “status quo,” tear down all hierarchies, and destroy “whiteness.” Yes, these groups claim they are simply advocating for those they perceive as “oppressed.” However, this advocacy lacks any real understanding of the complex issues at play. In the case of the Israel-Palestine conflict, support for Hamas overlooks the group’s violent terrorist tactics and its recent, bloody invasion.

Writing for The Heritage Foundation, Mike Gonzalez explains that:

“BLM is transnational, just as co-founder Alicia Garza, donning a Palestinian keffiyeh no less, admitted in 2010 (three years before creating BLM) that Third World enemies of the United States had asked activists like her to set up entities that would help take the U.S. boot “off our neck.”

They also believe that ‘decolonization,’ a mantra of the movement, is to be carried out ‘by any means necessary.’

That’s an expression by the 1960s revolutionary Frantz Fanon, the New Left’s favorite Third World author, though it is often associated with Malcolm X because he, too, said it often.

It means that decolonization must be carried out with rape and carnage. Bloodlust is purifying. To fanatics, Hamas’s butchery of civilians is an integral part of revolution.”

From a Christian perspective, this should, of course, be rejected as wicked. The Bible teaches us to “seek peace and pursue it” (Psalm 34:14). Supporting a group that engages in violence is not in line with these teachings.

It should also serve as a stark reminder that all of wokeness is like poison. It’s an acid. It’s a framework of thought that perverts true justice and manages to justify just about any act of violence if that violence serves its revolutionary ends.

Moreover, the Bible warns against false teachings and ideologies that can lead us astray. The Apostle Paul writes in Colossians 2:8, “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.”

The “woke” movement, with its emphasis on subjective truth and its rejection of absolute moral standards, is one such deceptive philosophy. Christians are instructed that we can judge a tree by its fruit. Well, the fruit of BLM is support for Hamas, so the clear verdict is that this is a very sick tree indeed. 

But there is something else to consider here—and that is which political ideology is propagating these beliefs in its followers and where are they doing it? 

The answer is simple: The political Left is by far and away the most responsible for these violent fantasies of anti-Western revolution and they are mixing this foul brew all across university and college campuses, almost entirely unchecked and unchallenged. 

This flies in the face of much of the blame game played by the mainstream (or should I say, regime) media and the dominant narrative you might find logging into X. 

Israeli philosopher Yoram Hazony recently wrote a lengthy post defending leading right-wing figures like Elon Musk and Donald Trump against the misplaced blame being laid at their feet for the outbreak of antisemitism and Hamas support, and rightly putting the responsibility where it belongs: On the Left.

Hazony explains:

“Musk is not an anti-Semite. Neither is Trump. Neither are most of the other conservatives who have been falsely accused of anti-Semitism by lefty organizations in America and Britain since 2016. 

These claims that major figures on the right are anti-Semites is a transparent dodge aimed a diverting attention from the obvious fact that the explosion of anti-Semitism in America, Britain, and other Western countries is taking place primarily on the progressive left—and that this explosion of anti-Semitism is being driven by the same alliance of ‘anti-racists’ that have been trying since 2016 to brand most conservatives and Christians as ‘racists.’”

Here Hazony puts his finger on the same connection that I’m trying to highlight, the same connection Gonzalez points out, and the same connection that should be apparent to anyone who cares to see it:

Anti-racists and anti-Semites in the Western world are just two sides of the same coin. While the organizations are not necessarily after the same ends, their worldwide supporters are, and they are violent ends indeed. 

In other words, if I see you marching in a BLM rally, I’m going to assume you side with Hamas. On most days, and most college campuses across America, that’s a bet that will pay off.

Hazony continues: 

“It is the anti-Semitic left that is flooding the campuses and the streets and inciting to violence throughout the West. Nothing remotely on this scale has been organized by anti-Semitic elements on the right in decades. 

I say this as someone who follows developments on the right with great care, and who knows much more about what is and isn’t happening on the right than most of the professional ‘experts’ on the subject. 

Anyone who is trying to pin ‘anti-Semitism’ on Musk or Trump or any other major conservative figure right now is playing the role of a ‘useful idiot’ of the anti-Semitic progressive left.  

If you actually want to see anti-Semitism defeated in America, Britain, and other Western countries, let’s see you direct your fire at the actual source of the danger and violence right now—which is two orders of magnitude greater on the Left than it is on the right.”

It’s an old adage, but it’s being proven true once again—those who claim to wear the mantle of “tolerance” are the most intolerant of all. This goes for the progressive Left in general, woke Christians, and every BLM supporter out there who is now finding common cause with terrorists, and do so loudly and proudly, as they are prone to do.

Again, as conservative Christians, we must remember that the recent demonstrations in support of Hamas are just the latest symptoms of the larger problem with the sinful ideology of the woke Left; it’s the latest symptom of the woke mind virus that has captured almost every major institution in our once great, once (and future) Christian nation. 

How can we stop it? As Hazony suggests, we must first train the fire of moral indignation at the right targets, which, in this case, are on the Left.

And for the evangelical Christians who got duped by “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” and bought a bad bill of goods from purveyors of untethered empathy in the form of “racial justice,” it begins with a wholesale and unapologetic rejection of BLM and everything it stands for.

Too many evangelical leaders got this wrong over the last decade. It’s fascinating to see Jewish scholars like Hazony see this more clearly than our own Christian leaders. 

But now, with BLM so publicly linking arms with Hamas, we have to ask: Will they finally get it right?

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