Announcement: Mike Sabo Appointed Contributing Editor

American Reformer Bolsters Journal for 2024

As I emphasized in my New Year’s editorial, God has abundantly blessed American Reformer as the journal proceeds into its third year. With the help of our generous donors, we have been enabled to expand our work on both the journal and action side of our organization and swell our ranks. To that end, we are pleased to announce the appointment of Mike Sabo as contributing editor at American Reformer.

Not long after I joined the journal as Editor-in-Chief, I brainstormed with Executive Director, Josh Abbotoy, about personnel additions, resources permitting. In view were people, aligned with our editorial ethos, who could help take the journal’s production and vision to the next level. The first person on our list was Mike Sabo, and the first chance we got, we conscripted him into American Reformer‘s service.  

Mike is a graduate of Ashland University and Hillsdale College, and an Assistant Editor of The American Mind, the online journal of the Claremont Institute. His writing has appeared at RealClearPolitics, The Federalist, Public Discourse, the American Mind, and American Greatness, among other outlets. He lives with his wife and son in Cincinnati. Previously, he was a research assistant at the Heritage Foundation, a Mount Vernon Fellow at American Greatness, and worked with pro-life grassroots efforts and the Ohio House of Representatives.

Mike brings a wealth of experience in conservative journalistic and academic spaces to our editor team that will aid American Reformer in its responsiveness to, and commentary on, emergent issues as we go into what is sure to be an eventful year. Look for his regular columns and occasional longform articles dealing with pressing political issues, current debates on theology and culture, and resourcement from our rich Protestant heritage. Please join us in warmly welcoming Mike to American Reformer.

Image Credit: Washington Taking Command of the American Army – At Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 3rd, 1775, Currier & Ives (1876).