June Should Be Fatherhood Month

Replace the Symbols of the Gay Regime

As our institutions attempt to foist pride month on us again, the pushback from Christians against LGBTQ radicalism may already be having an effect. 

Though Raytheon still desires to drop rainbow-painted missiles on our regime’s many enemies, numerous Fortune 500 companies seem hesitant to feature pride symbols on their social media accounts this year. Due to last year’s backlash, Target will be featuring its pride collection online and only in select stores—and will not offer any LGBTQ-themed clothing for kids. Major League Baseball put up a rainbow on its X account only to quickly take it down, while other sports leagues that have previously platformed pride icons noticeably did not do so. 

From looking at recent trends, Americans seem to be having second thoughts about the latest stages in our ongoing sexual revolution. A recent Gallup poll shows that Americans’ acceptance of the morality of gay and lesbian relationships has actually decreased seven points between 2022 and 2023, from 71 to 64 percent approval. Even Americans’ overall support for same-sex marriage has slightly decreased, according to a recent Public Religion Research Institute survey. Among Gen Z-ers, a historic shift could be taking place. AEI’s Survey Center on American Life discovered that between 2021 and 2023, there’s been an astonishing 11-point drop in support of same-sex marriage among that cohort, especially among men.

But even with these setbacks, LGBTQ radicalism is still a powerful, dangerous wolf on the prowl. Sesame Street wished its viewers—which are mainly between the ages of 2 to 5—a “Happy #PrideMonth.” “Today and every day, we celebrate and uplift the LGBTQIA+ members of our community,” the kid’s show posted on X. “Together, let’s build a world where every person and family feels loved and welcomed for who they are.” 

In the popular Call of Duty video game franchise, players can now use guns and bullets decked out in a trans flag (which is notable in light of the recent spate of trans shooters). The series is created by a developer owned by Microsoft, a recipient of a perfect equality score from the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index (595 companies received that designation in 2023-24). 

Almost unknown on the Right save for some scattered pieces, CEI is the extremely potent, DEI-esque arm that powers LGBTQ radicalism. 

According to the Human Rights Campaign’s website, CEI is “the national benchmarking tool on corporate policies.” It ranks the corporations that took “concrete steps to establish and implement comprehensive policies, benefits and practices that ensure greater equity for LGBTQ+ workers and their families.” In other words, CEI is a social credit system that ensures corporations’ fealty to the LGBTQ agenda. 

At The American Conservative, James McElroy wrote that CEI “is one of the primary tools used to inject extreme gender ideology into corporate America.” It functions as the tip of the spear, prodding even seemingly traditional companies like Cracker Barrel to fall in line with the gay consensus

Pride month is the time of year in which the strength of LGBTQ radicalism especially shows itself. As Nate Hochman says at America 2100, it is “a symbolic tool of an ongoing revolution meant to undermine and replace the symbols of American history and identity and ultimately to redefine the country itself.” Pride month sometimes promotes fully nude, deformed people gyrating in front of children. It showcases drag queens at public venues who fill young minds with filth. President Biden honors trans people at the White House, damning them in their sin (character matters!).

In fact, as Hochman notes, pride month is part of the same project undertaken by radicals during the French Revolution. Like the Jacobins, LGBTQ radicals are bent on ripping down every vestige of decency and order and installing moral depravity in its place. But even worse than the Jacobins, theirs is a deeply subversive project that undermines the foundational tenets of the created order itself. As the influential teacher of political philosophy Harry Jaffa once wrote, “The so-called ‘gay rights’ movement is then the ultimate repudiation of nature, and therewith the ground of all morality.”

Daniel Mahoney has pointed out that the Jacobins even began hoisting red flags “in a mendacious reference to all the blood” they had spilled in their vicious quest. Pride month, of course, features its own ever-transitioning flag. It’s a more innocuous but nevertheless insidious marker of what Jeremy Carl correctly describes as “Baal worship” that advances a “destructive, crazed, and libertine cultural and sexual revolution.” 

Even worse, pride month is a clear repudiation of biblical morality. It calls everyone to affirm what is sinful and to admonish what is good. It grossly misappropriates the symbol of the Noahic covenant for the mandated worship of acts that Scripture harshly condemns. (Satan’s twisting is evident here, as the rainbow—or more properly translated “war bow”—was, according to Jonathan Edwards, “appointed of God as a token of his gracious covenant with mankind.”) 

Against this, Christians need a positive project that can move us out of our defensive crouch. We must replace the symbols of LGBTQ radicalism with those that are taught in Scripture and reinforced by nature. 

Instead of celebrating the sin of pride, some on the Right have begun putting a bevy of options in its place. A saloon in Idaho promotes June as “Heterosexual Awareness Month.” For others, it’s White Boy Summer all the way down.

The best option in my view is to make June Fatherhood Month. Pastor Michael Foster has been showcasing the glories of fatherhood using #30DaysofFatherhood on X. He has posted a video of a father having a water balloon fight with his kids, demonstrating the importance of fathers being involved in the lives of their children. At a time when fathers, and masculinity overall, have been attacked from every high place in America, lifting up fatherhood as a good to which every man should aspire is a critical message.

Alastair Roberts has rightly argued that in addition to God being our “Judge, Sovereign, Ruler, King, Avenger,” and “Lord,” Christians must see him also as our Father. He is not a cozy, “maternal figure” but “a fatherly authority that stands” over us whose commands we must obey.

In fact, Foster writes, “Fatherhood is at the heart of the gospel.” God the Father sent His Son into the world to deliver His elect, incorporating them “into the family of God.” Because of this reconciliation through Christ’s work on our behalf, “we now pray to God by saying, ‘Our Father who is in heaven.’” 

We need fathers today who follow the example of their Father in Heaven. They must find the courage to publicly push back against the crushing waves of evil and degeneracy to which many Christians have submitted, and even celebrated. Yes, we need fathers who will protect their families. But fathers must also assert themselves outside of their homes and churches, helping to guide our country to prosperity, happiness, and godliness. 

Paul Gottfried has written in the latest edition of Chronicles that American Christians—fathers included—need to learn from the American Indians’ defeat: “What happened to the Indians is what happens when you can’t or won’t stop those who have come to replace you.” Christians today “lack the Indians’ instinct for survival,” he maintains. Fathers must lead by reasserting the public will of Christians and refuse to submit to the symbols of sin. As Ephesians 5:3 teaches, “sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you.”

Fathers must lead the way down “the ancient paths” (Jeremiah 6:16), for that is the “good way.” For Scripture teaches that if we walk along them, there we will “find rest for [our] souls.” 

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