Acts of God Met with Human Stupidity 

Natural Disasters Reveal the Failures of Consistent Bad Leadership

When disaster strikes, people want answers. People want help. People want solutions. Human beings can endure a multiplicity of dreadful things, even when life is on the brink of destruction, but what most people refuse to endure is dereliction of duty by those responsible during a disaster. Hawking excuses and blame-shifting are not acceptable from leaders, especially in the midst of a profound trial. The wildfires that have raged through Southern California and are still burning as I write this are the very disaster that many millions of people refuse to endure. As of today, over 12,000 structures, including vehicles, have been destroyed, along with nearly 40,000 acres, and worst of all, at least 24 people have died. Tragic as they are, these fires could have been mitigated or even prevented, according to many sources, by the people in power. 

Yes, the high winds, dry brush, and lack of rainfall do play a part, and I am skeptical that all the blame comes from arsonists or space lasers. But why did these fires start, and why are they still raging? Wherever a problem arises, those at the top carry the burden of responsibility. These fires are no different. Those in charge, namely the governor and Fire Chief and others in high positions of power, are to blame at least in part. But why? They control much of the resources, manpower, and overall prevention and mitigation of disaster preparedness. Fires are nothing new to the state of California; they should be the best in the business at fighting them, yet by all accounts, it seems like amateur hour in the worst way. Like it or not, the social project of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion or DEI within the LA Fire Department is no far-right strawman but rather a very strong possible culprit as to the awful preparedness and response to the fires. Conspiracy theories abound as to why the fires started and why they are being fought the way they are. I have my personal theories, but I want to touch on the clear facts of DEI.

DEI In Action 

The reports are widespread. “No water in the fire hydrants.” And contrary to what some media outlets have said, this was happening very early on in the firefighting and thus not a direct result of too many ‘faucets on all at once’. This is one problem many are calling an epic mismanagement by those in charge. But this is just the tip of the spear of this freak show. The dereliction that caused empty reservoirs and decisions to divert water sheds from the North into the Pacific and not drive the water South all play a part in furthering the disaster. Soon-to-be President Trump has spoken on this on more than one occasion and warned the California Governor back in 2018 about the massive overgrowth of the forest floor that spreads flames easily. 

Sadly much of this is ‘he said, she said’ as to what is really the cause. Certainly, it’s a combination of several factors. What can be proven is DEI working its way through the LAFD like a tapeworm devouring its host. The worst part of it is that this is intentional and not just ignorance. 

An example of this is a video clip of a heavy-set, more melanated female, a lesbian; butch looking, talking to an interviewer in what appears to be some sort of promo video. She’s not just any firefighter but the Assistant Fire Chief. She’s talking to the camera about being a firefighter and how to presumably deal with objections from people who may not be accepting and doubting her qualifications and abilities.

She tells a story of a concerned woman who had told her, “You couldn’t carry my husband out of a fire.” The response from this 3x intersectional champion is all that needs to be seen; it is a microcosm of the whole DEI dogma. With eyebrows raised and a coy smile she opens her mouth and says, “Which my response is, he got himself in the wrong place if I have to carry him out of a fire.” Excuse me? Does this woman not know what the job of a firefighter is? And if she does know, is victim blaming really the right response? Of course, on the surface, this may seem to be a joke. Oh, I hope it was a joke! But what professional first responder working in one of the most prestigious fire departments in the world would say something so offensive and just flat stupid, even as a joke? 

But this is a prime example of blame shifting that Cultural Marxism is based on. Marxism is efficiently the worldview that produced DEI. If she was serious, it’s clear that her understanding of public service is demented, and she should be fired immediately. But perhaps this intersectional hero meant it as a joke. Yet, can you imagine if a straight ‘cis’ gendered run-of-the-mill white guy said this? And worse still, if it was known he voted for Trump and had a wife and kids at home; a guy who is just trying to serve his community using his strength and vigor to fight fires for the common good? Crucifixion! He would have been utterly destroyed as soon as this video broke. Even if he qualified it immediately, there would have likely been countless calls for him to resign from all corners of the media, likely shaming him and demanding an apology and him being fired for not being willing to do his job. 

A Sane Society

Let’s dwell on this a bit longer. Say it was a real statement meant to deflect away from the overweight female’s abilities as a firefighter. What is the end goal? Just ignore the real concern because DEI is more important than facts and reality? Let the fire take the life of the man trapped because of ‘fairness’? In times of crisis, especially in these times, nearly all people do not give two cents about some pet project about diversity, equity, and inclusion or how many females or gays you have working for you. The question is can the individual do the job, whatever the job is. We have seen this so-called logic play out in other ways with Airline pilots and Ivy League presidents, among other high profile positions in society. People are hired based on the color of their skin (or sexual proclivities) and not the content of character and ability. 

The comment from this assistant fire chief is sadly not isolated. Hopefully, it was an attempt at humor by an utterly detached person dealing with the realities of life. But there is truth to it. Curious how another victim would feel if they had just got stabbed and the EMT response was, “Maybe you shouldn’t have made the guy mad, otherwise he wouldn’t have stabbed you,” or a teacher telling parents of Down’s Syndrome child, “maybe you should have just aborted the kid instead of bringing it into the world, and you’d have fewer problems.” A sane society would not tolerate such repulsive and incompetent behavior from any one of these. Likewise, we should not tolerate this ‘humor’ from this assistant Chief of the LAFD.

Who Should Fight Fires?

Fighting fires is dangerous. It requires immense discipline and focus. It also requires brute strength and grit. Something few men have and nearly no women. Women are built for many tasks, but one of them is not firefighting. Females being put in life-threatening positions, especially if they are fat and out of shape, is just a recipe for disaster. Men who do this job, and there are only certain well trained and physically fit men that can do it, are met with deadly challenges few other people ever face even once in their lives. If an overweight woman, or man for that matter, cannot perform the duties of this job, then they should not have the job. But DEI and its cheerleaders do not care about facts. They act like children with wild imaginations. 

DEI flattens things out and imposes artificial metrics based on cultural fictional ‘fairness’. It sees the world in oppressor and oppressed terms, and it assumes that if there are differences in outcomes, it must be because of racism and bigotry and not skill and merit. It pretends that distinctions and differences do not exist and that anyone can be anything if they try hard enough. Or worse, just look like the right type of person. This is why I often say leftists are like small children. Living in a fantasy land, not having to face the realities of life. 

DEI must DIE 

No one has to guess if The Los Angeles Fire Department may be using DEI, they are using it and are loud and proud about it. Not only is the assistant fire chief a woman and lesbian, but the fire chief, the top dog of LAFD, is also a lesbian and has been seen in many a ‘pride’ parade. She has espoused the most inane policies, all with a straight face. One example of this is another video interviewer asking her about the DEI quotas, and she replied, saying she was ‘super inspired’ about the Department’s three-year plan to increase diversity. The interview goes on, she says, “people ask me what number are you looking for, and I say, I’m not looking for a number, it’s never enough.” It’s never enough. This is the leftist mantra. It consumes more and more, desires more and more. Grabs more and more. Like the leeches of Proverbs 30, give and take, it’s never enough. Or, like a consuming fire, leftism and DEI specifically consume everything in their way and will never stop until they are stopped by external means. 

Despite the 24 deaths and billions of dollars in damage, no one has resigned in shame. No one has said they are not fit for the role they are in. No one has apologized for the gross negligence that has occurred. I guess because firefighting apparently has little to do with… fighting fires. Just a mere social club, a liberal experiment to see how many LGBT folks can join the ranks and make LAFD ‘more diverse’. This singular interview, taken on its face, is enough to disqualify this woman from this role as Fire Chief and even the department. 

Failed Leadership and What to Do

The governor of California, Gavin Newsom, a ‘cis’ gendered straight male married to a woman, mind you, has repeatedly failed in times of crisis over his tenure as governor. Despite this ‘oppression’ according to the priests of DEI, he’s still the ‘good guy,’ and he’s just filled with excuses. Every. Single. Time. And, of course, the media covers for him, every single time. I say this to remind all that DEI is empty and is filled with hypocrisy. 

The Mayor of LA, though recently elected, is just as useless as a leader. These are people who stand up straight yet have no spine. Karen Bass technically was voted in by the people of LA, though she still is a DEI hire, it must have been her high intersectionality number that got her the votes of the people. It certainly was not her abilities or character. Both Newsom and Bass are cultural Marxists, proud Democrats that trumpet all the ‘right causes,’ which is why they are somehow allies, even though one is far more of an ‘oppressor’ than the other. The former is only a Marxist in his affiliations and behavior, but the latter in her affiliations, behavior, and official associations. It has been documented that in years past, Bass was part of a radical terrorist group of Communists known as the Venceremos Brigade based in Cuba. This was known before the election of the Mayor in 2022. Bass traveled to Cuba over a dozen times in the late 1970s and 80s to participate and be influenced by Marxist-Leninst commies. The Venceremos Brigade preys on weak-minded young Americans seeking to radicalize them against their own nation. 

One trip to Cuba in solidarity with communism is already cause for deep concern but over a dozen? Yet despite this knowledge this woman got elected in one of America’s largest and most influential cities! Her recent gaffs of blank stares and mindless teleprompter reading are further evidence that Bass is out of her league. Yet, she’s there because of the leftist utopian ideas of DEI. This does not include her cutting the LAFD budget by almost 18 million dollars and the countless other policy changes and appointments she is responsible for. In a sane time, there would be real demands for her to resign…Newsom too, and those demands would be actualized. But sadly, that is not happening, and fighting fires is no longer the point of firefighters and governing in times of trial are things of the past for modern Democratic politicians. 

What Can be done? 

God made them male and female. Period. This truth is first seen in Genesis 1 and echoes down through scripture, including Jesus’s words in the gospels, namely Matthew 19:4. This means that men and women are different. The very truth that Cultural Marxism and the leftist ideals chaff against. Furthermore, as a Christian living in this upside-down world, –or Negative world, it is tempting to boil over and explode with anger and just lash out. Or perhaps hide in the mountains and wait for the trumpets to sound. It somewhat depends on your personality. Both, however are not the solution. 

While I watch the city of my birth go up in literal flames, I shake my head in disbelief and deep anger. What can be done? Righteous anger is good. Make no mistake, much of the blame lies at the feet of DEI, leftism as a whole, and Democrat politics and the people who voted for it. But anger only goes so far. 

Solutions beyond anger? 

Embrace God’s design and herald this truth to those who refuse to see it. Online, at work, in your cul-de-sac and apartment complex. This has been happening to the economy for the last few years, especially since the Covid Crazy. The current woes of cultural destruction have been slowed because of many forming a parallel economy. This is great. When it comes to online commerce, social media, and even corporations and schools, the world needs sane people, especially Christians doing good work again. Go out and build! But it only goes so far; the overweight lesbian firefighters are in their places of power because of how they look and not skill or ability. But they are also there because somewhere, someone didn’t stand up, or at least many did not stand up and question the zeitgeist of DEI. 

Christians, those who love the Lord Jesus and know He is better, need to continue to stand up. His ways are higher and better than our ways, both men and women, must not be fearful to stand up and call out the lies. To live as men who love and lead their wives and wives who submit and respect their husbands. Parents who call their children to obey the Lord and them. People who extend forgiveness and ask for forgiveness. Men and women, boys and girls, must continue to call sin out for what it is; a rebellion against the Creator. Sin is the thing that infects each human being and whose only remedy is the blood of Christ. This starts in the pews on Sundays and gets applied Monday through Saturday. DEI is sin. It is wicked and must die. 

In a different age, these women would have been laughed at and never made it to the volunteer squad. Truth and reality must reign again. One way to do this is we must stand for the reality that some jobs men are better at than women. And some jobs women are better at than men. Men are not designed to be homemakers, so the ‘stay-at-home dad is injurious and backward, and I’ll say it again, women are not designed to be fighters of any kind; whether in war, boxing, pubs, and clearly fires. Our world is demented and broken but not beyond repair. God is moving, but he calls his people to be faithful proclaimers of this truth. 

And yes, these do apply to God’s people today. Those who love him and keep his commandments. Not a geographical region, but those who have repented and turned to the Creator God for forgiveness and new life that comes in Jesus Christ alone. 

Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean; remove the evil of your deeds from before my eyes; cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause. “Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be eaten by the sword; for the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” How the faithful city has become a whore, she who was full of justice!
Righteousness lodged in her, but now murderers. Your silver has become dross, your best wine mixed with water. Your princes are rebels and companions of thieves. Everyone loves a bribe and runs after gifts. They do not bring justice to the fatherless, and the widow’s cause does not come to them. Therefore the Lord declares, the LORD of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel: “Ah, I will get relief from my enemies and avenge myself on my foes. I will turn my hand against you and will smelt away your dross as with lye and remove all your alloy. And I will restore your judges as at the first, and your counselors as at the beginning. Afterward you shall be called the city of righteousness, the faithful city.” Zion shall be redeemed by justice, and those in her who repent, by righteousness.

Isaiah 1:16-27

Cease to do evil, learn to do good, seek justice, and be willing and obedient. Even the darkest, most putrid of sins can be washed, and the result is like freshly fallen snow. Do not be like those who love bribes and rebel against the Maker. Otherwise, God, the Lord, will turn his hand against you. But if his people do well and obey him in these things, we shall be part of the righteous city. Certainly this promise is not only for the distant future in heaven, but here and now. We are to pray the prayer of Matthew 5, God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven. God uses means. And those means are most often His people. Sometimes it’s disasters like wildfires, but often it is people during and after these events that bring the change. Stand of men and women of God. Cease to do evil, learn to do good. Build something new, and reform what has broken. 

Image Credit: Unsplash