Trump as Tragic Hero
Preparation for the Future Christian Prince
Preparation for the Future Christian Prince
Donald Trump and America’s Ruling Oligarchy
A Response to Carl Trueman on Pop Nietzscheanism
A Response to Carl Trueman
America must conquer and subdue the successor ideology in all its permutations and perversions.
They make for good Tories and Loyalists: all is well, abuses can be corrected according to traditional means, and that talk of revolution is sheer insanity.
The power of nationalism is the power to once again govern for the common good of all Americans.
What is the standard of excellence for classical education that will guide us in choosing works to teach to our children?
Christian Nationalism is a restorative, civilizational movement that sets out to challenge and conquer Critical Neo-Liberalism, and then restore the American way of life according to her western and Christian heritage.