The Anatomy of a Cancellation Attempt
Those at the heights of politics and culture like to use social media as a means to undermine their opponents in Red America.
Those at the heights of politics and culture like to use social media as a means to undermine their opponents in Red America.
It comes down to this: Does the SBC need to be taken over by its critics or to be renewed according to Baptist distinctives?
“By the numbers, the baby-making industry is responsible for the destruction of more little lives than the baby-taking industry.”
“Gambling and Lotteries are sin: No opportunity ought to be given for subjects to squander their goods, for God has forbidden this.”
Confessions are useless absent good men who will ensure that those under their care stay within its boundaries.
What’s needed today is less anachronism and more study, precision, and intensive reading of primary sources.
“Nothing can hinder the LORD from saving, whether by many or by few.”
State governors do not receive their authority from the federal government. They receive it directly from the Constitution.
This elite phenomenon is less about Trump and more about a class that has been cowed by great social forces.
Taking this roadmap seriously could markedly shift the Right from a position of surrender to one of authority.