Author: Scott Yenor

Scott Yenor

Scott Yenor is Director of State Coalition at the Claremont Institute’s Center for the American Way of Life and a professor of political science at Boise State University. His Recovery of Family Life (Baylor, 2020) is now out in paperback.

Divorce and Toxic Femininity

The victory of feminism created restless women—dissatisfied with home, confused about their bodies, never sufficiently honored at work—who blame society’s phobias for their problems.

Teaching on Sex and Gender

Teaching Sex and Gender Rightly

Most Christians have simply gone along with the ideas and opinions of the sexual revolution. One reason for this loss of Christian orthodoxy on sexual matters involves confusion about the roles of church, family, and school.

Christianity and the Working Class

America’s class divide presents a great challenge. Fashion points our churches and seminaries away from “our people,” but America’s working class is a huge mission field. Members of the working class object to our corrupt and corrupting current ruling elite. But they lash out with what are often vague notions of American patriotism or simple cussedness against the elite.