Perversion is Not Christian
Christians should not accept the essential premise of Revoice, namely, that what is unchosen is “inborn,” “natural,” and above all “not shameful”
Christians should not accept the essential premise of Revoice, namely, that what is unchosen is “inborn,” “natural,” and above all “not shameful”
The state cannot be neutral with regard to the Church. It has a responsibility to protect and support it in its work.
We must eliminate its patterns of speech from our sermons, songs, writings, and even our everyday speech.
There is something about the way God made men and women that makes men suitably fit for pastoral work in ways that are unfitting for women.
Real institutions take great care over many generations to build. The SBC’s 175+ year legacy is worth fighting for.
Those at the heights of politics and culture like to use social media as a means to undermine their opponents in Red America.
It comes down to this: Does the SBC need to be taken over by its critics or to be renewed according to Baptist distinctives?
We really need men with chests who preach that Heaven is real, Hell is hot, the Bible is authoritative and sufficient for every area of life.
Unless the Evangelical church rediscovers its glorious inheritance, most will just continue mouthing enlightenment platitudes.