Freedom and Tyranny
Modern claims about human rights are limitless, built as they are on the sinking sand of pure subjectivism.
Modern claims about human rights are limitless, built as they are on the sinking sand of pure subjectivism.
The power of nationalism is the power to once again govern for the common good of all Americans.
This set of actors cooperate and reinforce each other by mandating strict deference to the agenda.
Martin Bucer promotes a symbiotic vision of the Church and State, casting a vision for a properly Christian society.
Would that a love of order were cultivated in our homes and desired by our governing officials, and carried over into affairs of state.
Through our Constitution, we wished to show that officeholders were subject not only to popular will but to God Himself.
How many will admit this represents an ideological bias embedded in American Protestantism whose reckoning is long overdue?
Homosexuality is not just “any sin,” but an egregious public sin that infects society.
The fact that political power may be used for evil provides no valid reason for it to be rejected or ignored. Power must be used for good.
Cooper and Dyer are able to rebut so many contemporary scholars on America's "Christian founding" because most of those scholars simply don’t know what the Christian tradition actually is.