
Announcing the Cotton Mather Fellowship by American Reformer

The Cotton Mather Fellowship gathers a unique network of young American Protestants for a summer long educational and vocational experience. American Reformer hopes to educate the fellows in subjects such as Political Theology, Moral Order, Christian Civic Engagement, and American History. These topics will be approached with input from leading scholars in the American Reformer network. We will study these with an eye to how fellows can carry these ideas into whatever institutions they find themselves in, or to whatever institutions they may found in the future. Furthermore, fellows will produce either six articles for the American Reformer website, or six research files on topics, institutions, or individuals from which we can draw for future campaigns. In special cases fellows may be assigned other equivalent work.

Fellows are expected to be able to do the following in a self directed manner:

5hrs/reading per week
5hrs/writing, editing or research per week
2hrs/class time or management time per week (Zoom)
1 in-person retreat, scheduled August 7th-10th, 2024.

Who Should Apply?

Cotton Mather Fellowships are offered to men who are outstanding undergraduates through young professionals under 35 who are theologically grounded and interested in becoming politically engaged. A proven track record of competence in reading, writing, and research is essential, as is Protestant orthodoxy. For a list of current and former fellows, see here.


Fellows will be paid between $1,000 and $3,000, as determined by education and experience, to be paid at the completion of the fellowship. They will also receive free travel to and room and board at the in-person retreat.

Fellows may have another summer job.

Application Timeline:

Applications are due by April 30, 2024 and recipients will be notified by May 15th, 2024.

Apply Below