Christian Nationalism: A Primer for the Layman
Remember that Christian Nationalism is a developing label. Arguments for or against it need to be extremely specific.
Remember that Christian Nationalism is a developing label. Arguments for or against it need to be extremely specific.
They make for good Tories and Loyalists: all is well, abuses can be corrected according to traditional means, and that talk of revolution is sheer insanity.
The power of nationalism is the power to once again govern for the common good of all Americans.
Nationalism emerges as a rejection of Roman Catholic imperialism so believers can apply God’s Word in their own lands.
The Christian nation is an earthly entity whose natural principles are applied and fulfilled in light of grace.
Most Christians are called to live ordinary lives, faithfully using the gifts and opportunities God has given them to do good.
People in political society cannot help but make judgments about what is good, and seek ways to make sure those things are done in common.
This effort will be a massive, long-term project because most radical manifestations of expressive individualism threatening us are the culmination of centuries of intellectual trends.
Even one of the most pro-religious liberty, pro-separation of Church and State Baptists recognized that the Constitution was rooted in principles derived from God.
It appears that our most bitter political divisions are over what we all truly should consider morally outrageous.