Christian Bravery

A Sermon Preached before the Honorable Artillery Company in Boston, June 7th, 1736. Being the Day of their Election of Officers


Peter Clark was pastor of the Salem Village church for 51 years. Born in Watertown, Massachusetts in 1694 and died in Danvers in 1768. He fathered 12 children. He was a 1712 graduate of Harvard and ordained in 1717. Little else is known about him. Another printed sermon of his still preserved is, The Ruler’s Highest Dignity, and the People’s Truest Glory, which was preached on an election day in 1739—we will have to reproduce it here soon, but you can read it in facsimile (scanned) format here. The sermon reproduced below was delivered on artillery day, an annual celebration and commission of the local militia officers—usually held the first Monday of June—in Boston on June 7, 1736. That Clark preached both on this occasion and an election day speaks to the esteem he enjoyed in the colony. As was the case with many such sermons, the printed version is somewhat—though we do not know how much—lengthened by the author in comparison to the delivered version. In print, it runs over 15,000 words.

Christian (masculine) bravery seems to be something of an ad hoc (but welcome) theme this week at American Reformer—see Justin Redemer’s column and this piece by Kevin Shrum, as well as today’s article from Josh Holler—so it seemed appropriate to us to release Clark’s sermon. It is well worth your time; you will be edified and emboldened by it.

Clark’s tombstone includes this epigraph: “He was a Great Divine, and accomplifh’d Chriftian: In whole Character, y moft Exemplary patience, humility & Meeknefs were illiftriously Difplay’d.” It continues, “He Liv’d much efteem’d & refpected, & after a Long Life Spent in y Service of religion.” And then concludes as follows,

[W]rapt in his arms who Bled on calvarys plain

we murmur not, Bleft Shade, nor dare complain.

Fled to thofe Seats where perfect Spirits Shine

we mourn our Lot, yet ftill rejoyce in thine.

Taught By they Tongue By thy example Lead

We Blefsd thee living and revere thee Dead.

Sleep here thy Dust till the Laft Trump Shall Sound.

The Fhalt thou rife & be w’t perfect Glory Crowned.

1 John 2:14, “I have written unto you, young Men, because ye are strong, and the Word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one,” is Clark’s lead text on the title page. His secondary text is 2 Timothy 1:7 “God hath not given us the Spirit of Fear, but of Power, of Love, and of a sound Mind.” But his exegesis centers on 1 Corinthians 16:13, “Quit you like Men, be Strong.”


The Occasion and Design of this large and excellent Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, appears from the Contents of it; wherein the Apostle having reproved the Disorders and Factions of the Church of Corinth, and resolved several Cases, and instructed and directed them in several important Duties of Christianity, and confuted some Errors of dangerous Consequence that had sprung up among them through the Influence of false Teachers, particularly that relating to the Resurrection, proceeds in the Close of all, in this 16th Chapter, to direct and exhort them to sundry distinct Duties, among which is that in our Text; which being observed, ’twill be the less needful to look into the Context for clearing the Sense of these Words, which indeed, are, in a Manner, independent, either on the preceding or subsequent Verses.

The holy Apostle being aware of the Dangers that still threatened the Church of Corinth in their present unsettled State, thro’ intestine Divisions, and “the Leaven of their old Maxims and Manners that had not been thoroughly purged out by the Christian Principles they had entertained,” and thro’ the restless Agency of Satan and his Instruments, to corrupt their Faith and Practice, could not forbear expressing his hearty Affection and Concern for them, by leaving with them these important Words of Caution and Counsel, Watch ye, stand fast in the Faith, quit you like Men, be strong.

The Phrases here used appear at first View to be of a Military Import, being borrowed from the Custom of War, wherein, as Soldiers in the Camp, Garrison, or City, are set to keep Watch and Ward, to descry Dangers at a Distance, to give timely Notice of the Approach of an Enemy, that they might be in a prepared Posture of Defense, so Christians who are engaged in a spiritual War, are highly concerned to Watch, to keep their spiritual Senses awake and in Exercise, that they may be always on their Guard against the Dangers that continually surround them from their spiritual Enemies, the World, the Flesh and the Devil, and be in a Readiness, with Wisdom and Skill in the Use of their spiritual Armour, to oppose their malicious Designs, and to secure and defend themselves.

And as Soldiers being about to face an Enemy, are exhorted and encouraged to stand their Ground, to be true and faithful to their Leaders, and to stand firm in the Defense of the Cause and Interest of their Country, and of their Publick Liberties, so Christians are, answerably hereunto, required to Stand fast in the Faith, their Faith being not only the main Part of their Armor, with which they must Fight, but the main Cause for which they must Fight, the Prize they are to contend for: I have fought a good Fight, saith the Apostle,—I have kept the Faith.

And they must stand fast in this Faith, and in order thereunto must act like Men, with Wisdom.

Strength and Courage. Quit you like Men, be strong. These Words, which I have chosen for my Text, (not excluding the Consideration of the foregoing, of which some Improvement may be made) carry in them the Sound of a Charge from the Mouth of a Captain, or Commander of an Army, animating his Soldiers to some vigorous Engagement with an Enemy; like that of Joshua to the Captains of the Tribes, encouraging them to their Wars in Canaan, Be strong and of good Courage, Joshua 1:18.

And again, 10:25, God himself had encouraged Joshua with the same Words, 1:9. And the like Speech often occurs to the same Purpose. Particularly remarkable is that of Joab at the Head of the Forces of Israel, animating them to charge with Vigor and Courage in the Battle against the Syrians and Ammonites, 2 Samuel 10:12. Be of good Courage, and let us play the Men for our People, etc.

Thus, we find the Philistines stirring up each others Courage to Fight against Israel, when they understood that the Ark of God was brought into the Camp. Be strong and quit yourselves like Men, —in the very Words of the Text. 1 Samuel 4:9. The Word here in the Original signifies to play the Man, or to act Manfully and Valiantly. And Critics observe that the Greek here answers to the Hebrew in those Passages of the Old Testament I have referred to.

Thus, it is required of Christians that they should exert a masculine Spirit and Courage, in maintaining with Perseverance, a vigorous Opposition against the Enemies of their Peace. Wherefore I shall here endeavor, First, with what Brevity I can, to open and inculcate the Christian Duty that is recommended to us in these Terms. And then, being led by the Allusion, shall make a more particular Application of this Charge to Men of the military Profession, agreeable to the Design of this Day. Accordingly, the Point that lies before us is this, viz.

I. Doctrine

That Christians in the Management of their spiritual Warfare, must quit themselves like Men, and be strong.

And I hope to make it appear both in the doctrinal and applicatory Part of my Discourse, That true Manliness is supported and improved by the Principles and Rules of Christianity. And here,

First, It is supposed that our present State in the World is a warfaring [sic] State; our Life is a Warfare, which it requires the Wisdom, Skill and Courage of Men, to manage aright; and in this Warfare we are concerned both as Men and as Christians.

1. As Men. Job 7:1. Is there not an appointed Time, or as the Translation is varied in the Margin, Is there not a Warfare for Man upon Earth? Man is born to various Labours, Struggles and Conflicts, which are not terminated but in Death. This Warfare is both External and Internal. External, arising from a thousand Dangers, Hardships, Adversities, Crosses & Oppositions that befall us in the World. Internal, proceeding from the disquieting Passions, excited by external Objects, Anger, Grief, Sorrow, Fear, Shame, Despair, and the like, with which we are exposed to daily Conflicts: so that oftentimes without are Fightings [sic], and within are Fears. But more especially,

2. As Christians, listed under Christ’s Banner, we are engaged in a Warfare with his, and our Soul’s Enemies, Sin, Satan, the World and the Flesh: All these hold in Confederacy together. Satan’s Kingdom, which is set up in Opposition to the Kingdom of Christ, is founded in Sin: And the Temptations of the World, both its Allurements and Terrors, are his Auxiliaries; and fleshly Lusts are the Traitors in our own Bosoms that hold Correspondence with this Enemy, and give him mighty Advantages against us, and are therefore the most dangerous of all. Now with all these our spiritual Enemies, we have openly declared War, by taking upon us a Christian Profession, and by coming over into the Camp of Christ, and renouncing the Interests of Sin and Satan. And therefore in Point of Duty and Fidelity to our Lord Redeemer, the Captain of our Salvation, as well as from a prudent Regard to our own spiritual Peace and Welfare, we ought to be constantly armed for a Conflict, to take to ourselves, and with Wisdom, Courage and Resolution to improve, the whole spiritual Armour he has furnished us withal.

Wherefore, [secondly,]

2. In the Management of this spiritual Warfare, we must quit our selves like Men, and be strong.

Now the Enquiry is,

Q: What Matter of Duty is laid upon us by this Charge to quit ourselves like Men? The latter Injunction, Be strong, comes in as an Explication of the former, and shews in one special Instance, how we must quit our selves like Men, viz. by putting on Strength, Resolution and Courage, becoming Men; and therefore may be consider’d as one main Branch under this general Head, wherein true Manhood consists? Or how must we quit our selves like Men?

I Answer, We may be said to quit our selves like Men, either by governing ourselves by Principles of Reason, whereby Men are differenced from Brutes, or by shewing forth a manly Spirit, whereby Men distinguish themselves from Children. Both these Ways we must quit ourselves like Men.

Therefore, in general, To be truly Religious, is to quit our selves like Men, like reasonable Creatures:

For Religion is the highest Improvement and Exaltation of Reason, and that which puts the main Difference between Men and Beasts.

All the Reason of Man is for Religion and Holiness, and against Sin. Hence that upbraiding Admonition to Idolaters, Isaiah 46:8, Remember this, and shew yourselves Men. If Sinners would shew themselves Men, and act up to the Dignity of the humane Nature, and exert the peculiar Powers and Capacities of it, they must needs become Religious, and abandon all Irreligion, Sin and Wickedness, which is highly Irrational, besides Reason, and against it: Whereas all the stated Laws of Religion are adjusted to the strictest Reason; Piety and Devotion towards God, Righteousness and Charity towards Man, Sobriety and Temperance with Respect to ourselves, (in which the Sum of practical Religion consists ) are Things unexceptionably just, and approve themselves to the purest Reason of Mankind. In the moral Government of Man, God dealeth with him as a reasonable Creature; in all the Revelations of his Will concerning Man’s Duty and Happiness, he still addresses him as a rational free Agent. So, he speaks in the Prophet Isaiah 1:18-20. Come, and let us Reason together, saith the Lord, — if ye be Willing and Obedient, ye shall eat the Good of the Land, etc. His Laws are so adapted to our reasonable Powers, and as it were interwoven with them, that were we freed from the bypass of carnal Affections and Passions, which participate of the Temper of the Body, wherein we are allied to the Brute Animals, and were we at Liberty to pursue the rational

Dictates of our Minds, Religion in its strictest Rules would not be thought Grievous, but embraced out of Choice, as a Thing connatural, easy pleasant, and the most beautiful and amiable Thing in the World.

Moreover, all the Promises and Threatnings of God’s Word are suited to the Principles of Man’s Nature, as he is a Creature endowed with a rational Judgment, and Liberty of Choice, capable of being influenced in his Actions by Hopes and Fears. So that then we may be truly said to act like Men, when we behave our selves towards God as Creatures, so made, ought to do, in pursuing the End of our Beings, by using aright the noble Powers of our rational Natures, in all the Instances of a sober, righteous, and godly Life, which is a Thing so Just, that none can except against it, without disclaiming, at the same Time, the Principles of Reason and Humanity. More particularly,

To quit ourselves like Men, is to put away childish Things, and to put forth the Virtues & Perfections of a manly Spirit.

1. We must put away childish Things. When I was a Child, saith the Apostle, I spake as a Child, I understood as a Child, I thought as a Child, but when I became a Man, I put away childish Things. It is unbecoming Men in their adult Age, to think, speak, and busy themselves like Children. So, if Christians would act like Men, and preserve the Dignity of their Natures, as Men, and Christians, they must put away the Follies, Vices, and Impertinences of Children, which through the Weakness of their Age, or the Corruption of their Natures, they are subject to.

We must put away,

1. Childish Thoughts. How vain and confused are Childrens Thoughts and Fancies, which they despise and reject when they arrive to riper Years? Thus Christians must guard their Minds against all vain, foolish, trifling and confused Thoughts and Musings, especially all vicious Imaginations; and learn to think seriously, closely, and pertinently, as Men of ripe Parts, and employ their Meditations upon the great Things of God’s Law and Gospel; Things Spiritual and Heavenly; and not suffer earthly Things to engross all their Thoughts and Studies, and fill their Minds from Morning to Night, without leaving Room for the more serious and spiritual Exercises of the Mind. Thoughts excited by, and exercised upon sensible Objects, are childish Thoughts, mean and trifling in comparison of the more rational, manly, and sublime Meditations on the spiritual Mysteries of Religion; the delightful Exercise of pious Souls.

2. Childish Talk. All unsavory, vain, frothy, unedifying Communication, is unbecoming the Gravity of Christians, even as Childrens Talk is unbecoming Men of Understanding. In all our Conversation we should have Regard not only to Truth and Charity, but to Decency, and consider what is becoming our holy Profession. But Fornication and all Uncleanness, or Covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh Saints; neither foolish Talking, nor Jesting which are not convenient, saith the Apostle, (Ephesians 5:3-4.) And again, Let no corrupt Communication proceed out of your Mouth, but that which is Good to the Use of edifying, (4:29).

3. Childish Pastimes. The Age of Youth and Childhood is “the pleasant playing Age.” ‘Tis promised as an Instance of God’s Favour to Jerusalem, (Zechariah 8:5.) That the Streets of the City shall be full of Boys and Girls, playing in the Streets thereof. ‘Tis decent enough for Children, who for want of Discretion of Mind, or Ability of Body, are not fit for more serious Business, for “Boys and Girls to play in the Streets;” but it is unseemly and scandalous in Men and Women to spend their Time in Sports and Diversions, whose Age and Capacity fit them for graver Employments. Herein Christians must act like Men in renouncing vain, carnal Myrth and Pastimes, and filling up their Time, as much as this State of Imperfection will admit, with the Business of their general and particular Callings. See that ye walk circumspectly, not as Fools, but as Wise redeeming the Time, (Ephesians 5:15-16) Not slothful in Business; fervent in Spirit, serving the Lord, (Romans 12:11).

4. Childish Passions. Children are often peevish and quarrelsome, sullen and out of Humor at every slight Disgust. Quarrels and Contentions are childish Things, which Christians should put far away from them; especially such as arise from small Provocations: Some may, perhaps, think they act a manly Part to resent every Slight put upon them, to manifest their Displeasure at every petty Injury or Affront, to bear a Grudge, and study Revenge; and that it is a weak and cowardly Part to put up Wrongs and Abuses; but really it is a childish Weakness, not to be able to curb the Passions, and shews they want that Command of themselves, that Men of Reason ought to have: and that they want that Discretion of a Man that deferreth his Anger, (Proverbs 19:11). The contrary Temper often discovers Men’s Shame and Folly; for a Fools Wrath is presently known, saith Solomon, but a prudent Man covereth Shame, (Proverbs 12:16).

5. Childish Appetites and Desires; and these both as to the Matter and Manner of them. As to the Matter of them, Things agreeable to the Senses: For Children are led by Sense, before they come to the use of Reason, and are much better pleased with Toys that take their Senses, than with those Things which would do them a real Benefit. Young People are for walking in the Sight of their Eyes. And therefore, are like Children herein, who are led by Sense, whose Desires are mainly carried out to carnal Things, that suit the Appetites and Conveniences of the Body, and have no Taste or Relish for Things Spiritual; thus, they that are after the Flesh, do mind the Things of the Flesh.

But Christians must be otherwise minded, to distinguish themselves from Children, and must renounce the Conduct of Sense, and subordinate Sense to Reason and Faith. We must walk by Faith, and not by carnal Sight and Sense; and must learn to discern the Things that differ, and approve those that are Excellent. And as to the Manner of Childrens Desires, they are, for the most part, vehement and impatient of Delay, they know not how to wait for what they eagerly desire, but must have present Satisfaction. So are all the fleshly Lusts of Men’s Hearts, importunate to be gratified with present Things.

But Christians must renounce such childish Appetites, and deny worldly Lusts, and disclaim this present World for their Portion, and govern themselves by Faith of better Things, and be content to wait for an Inheritance in Reversion; agreeable to that Maxim of true Wisdom, that requires us to submit to a lesser Evil, to avoid a greater, and to deny our selves in some present Conveniences, for the obtaining a greater Good.

We must quit our selves like Men, by exerting the Virtues and Perfections of a manly Spirit. Particularly,

1. We must exercise the Reason and Understanding of Men, in all Matters of a religious Nature, and in the whole Conduct of our Lives. Be not Children in Understanding, saith the Apostle, howbeit, in Malice be ye Children, out in Understanding be Men. We must improve our Reason in studying and contemplating the Discoveries God has made of himself and his Perfections by his Word, and by his Works. This is a noble Employment of our reasonable Powers. Especially we must exercise our Reason and Understanding, in searching into the Truths of Revelation for the Government of our Faith and Practice, and that we may be able to give a Reason of that Faith and Hope that is in us. And in all Duties of religious Worship, we must offer a reasonable Service to God.

Ignorance may well enough pass for the Mother of popish Devotion; but the manly Devotion of a true Christian, requires the intense Exercise of his intellectual Powers. It is not enough to have a warm Affection, but we must have a clear and sound Mind. Moreover, both our personal and relative Conduct affords a large Scope for the Exercise and Improvement of Reason. But this rather falls under the next Head.

2. We must exercise the Wisdom, Judgment and Discretion of Men Children are raw and unexperienced, and their childish Weakness is often seen in their Judgment and Choice, in preferring Trifles before Things of great Worth. But Men whose Reason is ripened by Age, and improved by much Experience and Observation, are capable of a more solid Judgment; and herein Christians must shew themselves Men, of a ripe Judgment, which is highly needful in all Matters of Faith, that they may be able to distinguish and judge aright of Things that differ, and being skillful in the Word of Righteousness, may readily discern between Truth and Error, as Men of full Age, who by Reason of Use, have their Senses exercised to discern both Good and Evil . This manly Discretion and Wisdom, is necessary to reduce our Knowlege to Practice in all particular Cases, that the Knowlege of God’s Will may produce its happy Fruits in us, in all Wisdom and spiritual Understanding.

This is of singular Use in the whole Christian Life and Warfare, to direct us how to order our Conversations aright towards God and towards Man; how to spend our Time most profitably, what Portions of it to apply to religious Exercises, and what, to our worldly Occasions; how to order all our secular Affairs, that they may not entrench on Religion, nor justle out the Duties of God’s Worship; how to demean ourselves in every Relation, as Members of the Family, Church, and common Wealth, that our whole Converse and Deportment may be inoffensive, pure and amiable, seasoned with the Fear of God; how to dispose our Charity to the best Advantage; how and when to please our Neighbour for his Good to Edification, without indulging him in any sinful Humor; how to administer Reproofs as to Time, Manner, and Circumstances, so as may be most likely to gain an Offender; when to keep Silence, and when, and how to Speak; how to Converse as becomes our holy Profession, in good Company, and in bad Company; how to govern the Passions and Appetites; how to carry it in the Use of our lawful Liberty, in Meats, Drinks, Apparel, Visits and Recreations, that we may not transgress the Rules of Decency, Reason, and Religion: In all these, and numberless other Instances, Wisdom is profitable to direct, and this spiritual Wisdom will make a Christian’s Face to shine , and add a wining Beauty and Lustre to his Conversation.

More especially, this manly Virtue is eminently useful in our spiritual Warfare, to direct us how to manage it most successfully, and how most skillfully to employ the several Parts of our spiritual Armour; that understanding and considering our peculiar Temptations, Infirmities, and most prevalent Corruptions, and being acquainted with the Advantages, Wiles and Stratagems of our spiritual Adversaries, we may be excited to use all needful Precaution, to be always sober and vigilant, depending on divine Grace and

Strength, and to double our Guard where our Weakness chiefly lies, and in a Sense of our own Insufficiency to have recourse to divine Aids by Prayer and Supplication. In all which Respects, Christians should acquit themselves like Men of Wisdom and Discretion.

3. We must shew forth the Stability and Constancy of Men, in Opposition to the Fickleness and Unsteadiness of Children, who have their Way to choose, and often change & repent the Choices they have made. ‘Tis expected that Men should manage themselves with a more steddy & regular Conduct. And herein Christians must be of a manly Spirit, and not suffer themselves to be like Children tossed to and fro, and carried about with every Wind of Doctrine. But must be steadfast in the Faith, and steadfast, and unmovable, always abounding in the Work of the Lord. Having chosen the Way of Truth, and settled our Principles, we must be invariably true, and constant in our Adherence to them, and stick close to God’s Testimonies. But much of the Nature of this Virtue runs out into the next I shall mention, and chiefly insist on, which the Text puts the greatest Emphasis upon.

4. We must shew forth the Strength, Courage, and Resolution of Men. This is a Perfection so peculiar to a manly Spirit, which distinguishes Men from Children and Babes, that it hath the Name of Manhood in an appropriate Sense commonly given to it. This spiritual Fortitude (for it is the Strength of the Soul, and not of the Body, that is here intended) seems to be peculiarly aimed at by the Apostle in this Injunction, Quit you like Men; for he adds by way of Explication, as I have observed, Be strong. This Fortitude is a martial Virtue, which hath a peculiar and sovereign Use and Influence in our Christian Warfare: It is by this Virtue that we are enabled perseveringly to adhere to a good Cause, and manfully to persist in the Paths of Virtue and Holiness, whatever Temptations, Difficulties, or Discouragements are thrown in the Way to obstruct us herein, or divert us therefrom.

True Fortitude holds the Mean between those two Extremes of a daring Rashness on the one Hand, and a sneaking Cowardice on the other. Rashness offends in the Excess, when Men out of foolish Obstinacy, expose themselves to Dangers, or rush into them unadvisedly and without necessity, prompted by vain Glory, or any other headstrong Passion, not duly considering the Consequences of their Actions. Cowardice is as much an Error in the Defect, when Men are prevailed with to decline their Duty, or to desert a good Cause in which they are engaged, thro’ Fear and Despondency of Mind, under a prospect of Difficulties and Dangers. But in Opposition to both these Extremes, a true Spirit of Fortitude, as it will not expose a Man to needless Dangers, so it will enable him, being supported by Faith and Hope in God, to go on with a resolved Constancy in the Way of his Duty, without shrinking or swerving, whatever Fears he may be impressed with, or whatever Temptations, Difficulties, or Dangers may present themselves to his View.

The shunning of needless Dangers, is an Effect of that Wisdom and Precaution that is proper to a reasonable Creature, in Pursuance of the grand Principle of self Preservation, implanted by the wise Creator, in all rational and sensitive Beings; and therefore, not inconsistent with a valiant Spirit, which can contemn the greatest Dangers, when a virtuous and good Cause makes it necessary to encounter them.

Nor, again, is it an Argument of a weak and cowardly Spirit, to be impressed with Fear of those Evils, which we must unavoidably encounter, if we would persevere in the Way of our Duty. This is evident beyond Exception from the Example of the Man Christ Jesus, who, as in all other manly Perfections, so in a Spirit of Courage and Might, incomparably excelled all the Children of Men; a signal Specimen whereof, he gave the Night before his Sufferings, when having eaten the Passover with his Disciples, (in the original Institution whereof, the Israelites were forbid to go out of their Houses, for fear of the destroying Angel, yet,) he courageously went forth to meet his Enemies (having a full Prospect of all the Circumstances of his Passion) as it were challenging all the Powers of Darkness, in such triumphant Language (we may suppose) as that in which he is brought in speaking, by the evangelical Prophet, in his State of Humiliation, He is near, that justifieth me, who will contend with me? Let us stand together; who is mine Adversary? Let him come near to me.

Therefore, he set his Face like a Flint, and went on with an undaunted Courage and Magnanimity, being confident of the Goodness of the Cause, and the glorious Issue of the Combat, through the divine Power and Presence with him. But was he then without all Fears?

No; the Evangelist tells us, that he was sore Amazed, (Mark 14:33). And the Author to the Hebrews, that he Feared, (Hebrews 5:7). These Fears argued no Degree of Despondency, but were the Effect of the natural Reluctancy of the innocent humane Nature of our blessed Saviour, against his Sufferings in View; but his Courage exceeded his Fears, and carried him triumphantly through all. Fear is an involuntary Impression on the Mind of a reasonable Creature, arising from the Pre-apprehensions of approaching Evils, especially if they be great, near, and unavoidable. Some may seem to be courageous and fearless, through mere Ignorance, or a stupid Inconsideration of the Causes of Fear. But the greater such Fears are, that arise from a just Cause, the greater is the Courage and Resolution that withstands them, that breaks through them, and gets the Mastery of them.

This is one Instance of true Fortitude, not to be without Fears, but so to manage, and keep them under, that they may not divert us from, nor clog and depress our Spirits in our Course of Duty; but that we may be able notwithstanding, to keep up a comfortable Hope in God, free from a servile Dejection of Spirit.

But Christian Fortitude is discovered in withstanding all Opposition to the spiritual Life, not only from the Terrors of Sense, but from the Gratifications of Sense, worldly Pleasures, Profits and Honours; when these prove Temptations to decline our Duty, or betray our Virtue and Innocence in any Degree, we must resist them with a manly Resolution, and be inflexible to their Importunities. Here lies much of our daily Christian Conflict, while we are surrounded with the tempting Objects of this World. And we have need of a Spirit of Fortitude, that we may quit our selves like Men, and preserve the Dignity of our Natures, as Men, and keep up the Dominion of Reason and Conscience, over brutal Appetites and Passions: for this Purpose we must be constantly armed with the Fortitude and Resolution of Men.

This will be a Guard to every Virtue, and a Bulwark against every Vice; yea, it is the very Life and Soul, and animating Principle of all the Virtues Without Fortitude, Wisdom will soon degenerate into Weakness; Temperance expire in Luxury; Meekness, ruffle into Passion; take away Fortitude, and Justice will soon warp, Constancy will soon waver, Charity will soon cool, Hope will soon flag, Zeal will soon slacken, Patience will soon tire: In a Word, Fortitude is so essential to all the Virtues, that without it, they loose both their Name and Nature.

Now the several Instances in which we shall have Occasion to exert our Christian Fortitude in this our militant State, are these three, viz. In Services, Sufferings, and special Conflicts.

1. In Services. A Christian’s Work is inseparable from his Warfare, by Reason of the continual Conflict between Flesh and Spirit. For the Flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the Flesh; and these are contrary the one to the other; so that ye cannot do the Thing that ye would. We meet with Opposition every Step of our Way to Heaven. The Flesh will be a constant pull-back, persuading us to consult its Ease; therefore, we had need to exert our selves with Courage and Vigor in doing the Will of God. Hence saith God to Joshua, Not only, be strong, and of good courage to Fight the Canaanites; but be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the Law which Moses my Servant commanded thee; turn not from it to the right Hand nor to the left . When we consider the Labours and Self-denials that a Course of strict Religion will cost us, as it will often put us upon crossing the Flesh, and executing a kind of Violence on the Members of the Body, plucking out a right Eye, and cutting off a right Hand, upon watching, striving, wrestling, and counter-acting the corrupt Principles and Practices of a carnal World, whereby we must expect to incur the Censure and Derision of the ungodly Multitude, it will appear that an high Degree of Strength, and Courage, and manly Resolution, is necessary to an unwearied Progress and Perseverance therein.

2. In Sufferings. If thou faint, saith Solomon, in the Day of Adversity, thy Strength is small. A Time of Adversity will try the Strength of our Souls; and a persevering and untainting Patience under the Adversities of Life, supported by the Reasons of Faith, and a steadfast Trust in God, his Power, Mercy, Truth, and all Sufficiency, engaged by Promise, and a comforting Hope of the happy Conclusion of all in eternal Life and Blessedness, is a noble Instance and Evidence of the spiritual Strength and Valor of a Christian. And here, in this vale of Tears is, the trial of the Faith and Patience of the Saints; those warfaring [sic] Graces, suited to a State of Sufferings. And to be able to hold out with an unmoved Constancy in the Exercise of Patience and Long suffering with Joyfulness, under all Sorts of Trials, will be an Evidence of a glorious divine Power supporting, of an heavenly Vigor infused into the Heart of a Christian.

3. In special Conflicts with Corruptions and Temptations. Our three great Enemies, with whom we are engaged in a War, are the Flesh, the World, and the Devil. But the main Advantage that the Devil and the World have against us, lies in the Treachery of those carnal Lusts that are inbred in our corrupt Natures, and which take Part with the Devil and the World, against the true Interest of our Souls; our Conflict therefore with our spiritual Enemies lies not abroad, or at a distance, but is a domestic War; the Seat of it is in our own Bowels: So that neither the Devil, nor the World, can work us any real Annoyance (except in peculiar Cases, wherein Satan is permitted to afflict the Children of God with his more immediate cursed Suggestions and Terrors) unless our Flesh join in Confederacy with them. The Flesh is an Enemy, in respect both of its corrupt Lusts and Passions; or in respect of inordinate Appetites to the delectable Objects of Sense, such as Sensuality, Covetousness and Pride, (or as the same are otherwise expressed by the Apostle, terming them, the Lust of the Flesh, the Lust of the Eyes, and the Pride of Life) and irregular Passions excited by Objects disagreeable to Sense, as Anger, Wrath, Malice, Discontent, and Impatience, carnal Fear and Shame:

These carnal Lusts and Passions are kept in Life, fed and cherished by the World, which presents the Objects, and fomented and inflamed by the Devil. If therefore, we manfully resist and conquer these Lusts, our Victory over Satan and the World, will follow of Course. Here then our Christian Fortitude must principally discover itself, in expelling these secret Traitors, these Enemies of our own House, that do us the greatest Mischief, in carrying a strict Hand over the Affections, in resolutely withstanding the insinuating Chaos of vicious Appetites, and resisting their importunate Cravings, and keeping the disorderly Passions under a regular Management. Here we must be strong and quit ourselves like Men, and Fight, that we may not become Servants to these base Lusts, and so degrade ourselves from the Dignity of Men, to the Condition of Beasts. We act the Man, while we contend to keep up our Dominion over them. We act the Beast, by a shameful yielding to their Influence. And Wisdom will teach us to employ our Fortitude chiefly against our peculiar favorite Lusts, which we are most in Danger of being overcome by. Here especially we must both watch, and strive to stand our Ground with the Constancy and Resolution of Men; against these we must bend the Force of our whole spiritual Armour, for in them lies the main Strength of our Enemies, and our Success in the spiritual Conflict is very much to be estimated according as we prevail and get the Victory over them.

In these several Instances, wherein the whole Concern of our spiritual Warfare is comprised, we must put on and exercise a masculine Courage and Fortitude. I shall only add, that the Christian Principles by which this Virtue is supported and animated, are chiefly these three, viz, Faith, Hope, and Love, the essential Ingredients in the Christian Temper; and they have each their Part assigned in our spiritual Warfare. Let us put on, saith the Apostle, the Breastplate of Faith and Love, and for an Helmet, the Hope of Salvation. Let a Word or two suffice to each of these.

1. Among the militant Graces, Faith leads the Van, and inspires Life and Vigor into the rest. Faith as it acts on Christ, who is the Strength of our Hearts, and on the Word of God, the Means of deriving spiritual Strength from him, is of singular Use in the spiritual Warfare; and though it often meets with hard Struggles, yet it will at last bare away the Victory; and therefore the Apostle recommends it as the choicest Piece of our spiritual Armour. Above all, saith he, take the Shield of Faith. Faith is a Christian’s Shield that encompasseth him around, that on which Side soever he be attacked, his Faith will be of eminent Service for his Defense.

There are Temptations on the right Hand, and on the Left; the Blandishments of worldly Pleasures, Profits and Honours on the one Hand, and the Terrors and Affrightments [sic] of Sense, Hardships and Discouragements on the other; but Faith as it realizes invisible Things, as it is the Substance of what we hope for, and the Evidence of what we see not, is able to bring preponderating Reasons to baffle the Force of all Temptations. Against worldly Allurements, it can lay in balance the Pleasures, Riches, and Honours of the Kingdom of God, and so brakes the Force of the Enemy from that Quarter: And the everlasting Punishments of a future State, which Faith apprehends as real, & most awful, are more than an over Ballance to all the Terrors of Sense. Let us therefore stand fast in the Faith; and then we shall be strong, and quit ourselves like Men.

2. Hope, the genuine and immediate Offspring of a Christian Faith, serves for an Helmet in this Warfare, as it secures the Head, and keeps up Life and Spirit, and fortifies Resolution in the midst of Temptations and Discouragements This is the great Incentive to the Exercise of all our active Powers, as it counter-acts, and suppresses dispiriting Fears ‘Tis Hope that will enable us to renew the Conflict with fresh Vigor, when worsted by the Importunities of the Flesh. And when Afflictions and Calamities overflow and reach even to the Neck. Hope will keep the Head above Water, in a patient Expectation of the happy Issue of all, still looking for the Mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal Life.

3. Love is also a Principle of Christian Fortitude, which, in Conjunction with the two former, will render a Christian impregnable against all Assaults. This is indeed a working Grace, and suited to Labour: hence we often read of the Work and Labour of Love. But meeting with Opposition, Love will flame out into Zeal. Holy Paul and his Companions in the Gospel, were thought Men beside themselves, such was their Zeal in the Cause of their blessed Master; but the true Reason was, the Love of Christ constrained them . Love is generous, and Publick spirited, and will not shrink at Dangers, or Difficulties, to serve its beloved. No Waters can quench it. Love is strong as Death , saith Solomon. And of the primitive Martyrs it is said, They loved not their Lives unto the Death, i.e., their Love, and Loyalty to their blessed Redeemer, prevailed over the natural Love of their own Lives, so that they could yield them up to Death for his sake: And thus they came off Conquerors in the War with the Dragon, and the combined Powers of Earth and Hell. And it is a Precept of our holy Religion, that we ought to lay down our Lives for the Brethren, for those that ba[r]e that Relation either in the Bonds of civil Society or spiritual Communion; and ’tis a Precept suited to this heroic Principle of Love, which on just and proper Occasions, will prompt to the Observance of it. Thus, we see by these few Hints, what a Spirit of Fortitude and Manhood, our Christian Principles will inspire into those that are truly acted and influenced by them. I come now to the

II. Application

And here, omitting wholly the more general Uses, and Inferences, from what has been discoursed, which I thought to have propounded; I shall proceed according to my intended Method, To make a more particular Application of the Charge in the Text to those of the Military Order and Profession; who are concerned on a double Account to act a manly Part, both as Christians and Soldiers.

But, in Order hereunto, there are two Principles I shall lay down, as the Ground of this Address.

The First is the Consistency of the Christian with the military Calling and Employment. And Secondly, That true martial Courage and Valor is greatly befriended and improved by the Principles of Christian Fortitude.

First, I shall lay it down as a Principle, That there is no Inconsistency of the Military with the Christian Calling; though the Weapons proper to the one, are Carnal, to the other, Spiritual, yet that it is lawful and warrantable for Christians, as Members of the commonwealth, to bear Arms, and engage in a just War under the Conduct and Authority of the civil Magistrate; which is a Point capable of easy Proof, however confidently it has been denied and opposed by the Socinian Tribe, and sundry other, Sects, both in the present, and past Ages, being led into this Error, by some misunderstood, and misapplied Passages of Scripture. Though my Subject does not lead me to consider the Lawfulness of the Soldiers Calling, or to settle it as a Point of Conscience, yet to shew the Propriety of this

Address to Men of that Order, and that it may appear that the Christian and the Soldier are not Terms incompatible. Let me observe in a few Words,

1. That it is beyond Dispute, that the People and Servants of God under the Old Testament (among whom, were divers eminently pious and holy Persons) took up Arms and made War against their Enemies, by a manifest divine Direction and Approbation; which shews that the Thing is not in itself Unlawful; nor is there the least Hint in the sacred Writings, that leads us to conclude it to be so; on the contrary, if we would form a Judgment by the Light of Nature, it appears reasonable and just, being directed to; and warranted, especially in Case of an unjust Invasion, by the natural Law of self-preservation. Hence,

Let me observe, That there is no Alteration made in those Things that are founded on the Law of Nature or Nations, by the Religion of the New Testament of our Saviour. It being very remote from the Design of Christ, or of the first Preachers of the Gospel, to erect a new civil Polity in the World, or to abolish any Ordinance of Man for the Preservation of the Peace and Order of civil Society.

As therefore, particular Persons are allowed, and required by the immutable, and unrepealable Law of Nature, to repel force by force in necessary self Defense; so, by the same Right, Kingdoms and politick Bodies, may lawfully defend themselves against any injurious, encroaching Enemy, by exerting the Force proper to them, as such: And this warrants, at least a defensive War. And allowing but the Lawfulness of a defensive War (on Grounds of Nature) against an unjust Aggressor, even this is sufficient to justify the military Employment. The Kingdom which our blessed Lord came to set up in the World, being of a spiritual and heavenly Nature, does not at all interfere with the Rights of Nations, or earthly Kingdoms, but leaves them as fully possessed of them, as it found them. Besides,

There are clear and plain Intimations, in the Writings of the New Testament, of the Lawfulness of the military Calling When our Saviour was questioned concerning his Kingdom, by Pilate, he answered, (John 18:36) My Kingdom is not of this World: If my Kingdom were of this World, then would my Servants Fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews. Intimating, as one observes.

That though Wars and Fightings [sic] were not proper Means to advance the spiritual Nature of his Kingdom, yet if the Methods of his Humiliation had permitted him to assume the Royal Scepter, his Servants and Followers, might lawfully have Fought to defend his Claim and Title.

There is no Prohibition of the Soldiers Employment in the Scriptures of the New Testament, (even when the most proper Occasion offered) which would not have been omitted, if it were unlawful. The Reply of John the Baptist to the Soldiers Demand, What shall we do? is well known.

This Preacher of Repentance does not insist upon their laying down their Arms, and quitting the Service they were employed in, as unlawful, which surely, he that so freely reproved the Vices of that Age, and called upon all Sorts to bring forth Fruits Meet for Repentance, would not have failed to have done, had there been any thing in that Employment immoral, or inconsistent with Repentance, and a pious Life, but instead of this, he cautions them only against those Vices, which Men of that Profession are most commonly guilty of, Do Violence to no Man, neither accuse any falsely; and exhorts them to be content with their Wages, which is a tacit Concession of the Lawfulness of their receiving the Wages of their Warfare, which, who can imagine he would have allowed them to do, without doing the Service that gave them a Right to these Wages.

The Force of this reasoning may not be evaded by pretending that John was a legal Preacher, or that he entered on his Ministry before the Gospel Dispensation began; for we are expressly told, that the Law continued until John, and from the Days of John the Baptist, the Kingdom of God was preached. And the Evangelist Mark dates the Beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, from the preaching of John. John’s Ministry therefore, was a sort of Boundary to the legal Dispensation, and the Beginning of the Evangelical; and his Doctrine was purely Evangelical, being the same for Substance, that Christ and his Apostles afterwards preached, even the Doctrine of Repentance for the Remission of Sins. Moreover,

We have the Examples of several eminent Soldiers, who embraced the Christian Faith, without the least Intimation of their quitting the military Function, or their being directed and ordered to do so, either by Christ or his Apostles. Such was the Centurion that addressed our Saviour, (Matthew 8:5), whose Faith he so highly commended, above all that he had found in Israel (verse 10) Such was Cornelius, a Centurion of the Band, a Person of eminent Piety, and Intercourse with Heaven, (Acts 10:1-2, etc.) And Sergius Palus Deputy, or Proconsul of Cyprus, converted to the Faith of Christ by the Ministry of the Apostle Paul, (Acts 13:7-12) Had their Calling been unlawful, they must have left it upon their Conversion to the Faith: But there’s not the least Hint given by the sacred Historians, that they were either reproved for it, or discharged from it.

Again, For what End can we suppose, the great Apostle Paul (being informed of the Conspiracy of the Jews to kill him) should so industriously seek to make known his Cause to the chief Captain, but that he having the Command of the Soldiery, might rescue and protect him? And does not this manifestly imply an Approbation of that Order of Men? Would the holy Apostle betake himself to unlawful Shifts in a Time of Danger? How would this consist with his trusting in God?

Further we may observe, That by the Doctrines and Precepts of the Gospel, the Authority of the civil Magistrate is established, and all Christians obliged to Obedience and Submission to it. The Magistrate is represented as God’s Minister, and Vicegerent, to whom the Sword of Justice is committed, to inflict Vengeance on evil Doers, to protect the Injured, and punish the Injurious, and consequently to defend the Rights and Liberties, the Lives and Goods of the Subjects, by drawing the Sword of War to execute Publick Revenge on a rapacious, malicious Enemy; to whom therefore, as vested with, and exercising this Power and Right, Christians are bound to pay Subjection and Tribute.

They are, moreover, required to submit themselves to every Ordinance of Man for the Lord’s sake. But the constituting and ordering the Militia is an Ordinance of Man, that carries in it no Repugnancy to any Ordinance of God, which therefore challenges Submission to it, from a Principle of Conscience towards God. Finally, to add no more, We are bound to pray for Kings, and all that are in Authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable Life in all Godliness and Honesty. But in many Cases, it is impossible to lead a quiet and peaceable Life, without the Magistrates using the Power given him by God; that is to say, without the Use of the Sword for suppressing of Violence and Injustice at home, and repressing the Insults and Molestations of an Enemy from abroad.

From all which, and divers other insinuations in the scriptures of the New Testament, the lawfulness and expediency of bearing Arms, and of the military Discipline and Employment, might be fairly argued. War is indeed a penal Evil, justly to be deprecated by all, a severe Scourge wherewith God oftentimes chastises sinful nations and kingdoms; yet considering the pravity of humane nature, and the Constitution of humane Affairs, and the exorbitant Lusts and Passions of Men, whence proceed Wars and fightings [sic], and the great Power and Influence of Satan (the mortal (or rather immortal) Enemy of the Peace and Welfare of Mankind) in the Kingdoms of this World, it can’t otherwise be expected, but that the Nations will frequently be embroiled in Wars: And in such a State of Things, who is not sensible, that military men, valiant and expert in war, good soldiers and well-disciplined armies, are not only lawful, but highly necessary and useful, and at all times to be encouraged, and justly to be esteemed the beauty and ornament, and under God, the strength and defense of a people? So that a Christian may not only with a good conscience undertake the military function, when called thereunto, but may also therein perform eminent Service for God and his Country, by exerting that public Spirit, that zeal and courage, which his Christian principles inspire him withal.

The objections made against this, from the commands of Christ, requiring an universal Love, and peaceable spirit in his disciples and followers, and forbidding revenge, duly considered and examined, appear to be of no weight: For our Savior forbidding to resist evil, (Matthew 5:39) intends only to lay a restraint on private revenge: For the Apostle inculcating the same prohibition, (Romans 12:19): Dearly beloved, avenge not your selves, etc., does not include all kind of revenge, but only that between private men; for he presently subjoin, in the beginning of the next chapter, (verse 4) That the civil magistrate is authorized by God (to whom vengeance belongs) as his vicegerent, to be a public revenger of wrongs.

Now War is a kind of public revenge, and the being Instrumental therein, has no necessary connection with a vindictive spirit, which the Gospel forbids; and as to a spirit of peace and charity, which it constantly recommends, ’tis certain there is nothing more essential to the temper and genius of Christianity, yet this temper is not inconsistent with the office of bearing arms against the injurious adversaries of one’s country , when the Necessity of a greater charity to the community we are members of, constrains to it. Christians are indeed required, if it be possible, as much as lieth in them, to live peaceably with all Men. This they ought to aim at, and endeavor by all possible means, but sometimes this is not possible, even as often as it is necessary to repel unjust violence; and when this becomes necessary, Christianity requires, it should be managed with peace, able Intentions; to make war for war sake, or to gratify men’s boundless ambition, pride, avarice, revenge, or any other carnal lust, is certainly inconsistent with the Christian, and indeed with all religious principles. God will scatter and destroy the people, that delight in War. But the great end of a justifiable war being to establish Peace on just and solid foundations, this should seem to agree well with the temper and spirit of Christianity.

Thus, having observed the Consistency of the Christian with the military Calling (which though seemingly a Digression, yet being inservient [sic] to my main Design, I could not wholly omit it) I shall proceed now to observe,

Secondly, That true martial Courage and Valor is greatly befriended, and improved by the Principles of that Christian Fortitude, that is so necessary and Useful in our spiritual Warfare. Strength and Courage, as well as Skill in the military Art, all must allow, to be requisite to an accomplished Soldier. There is indeed a Difference between military Valor, and Christian Fortitude. The one is more active, the other more passive: The one is more seen in acting with Vigor and Resolution, in great and hazardous Enterprizes; the other is more discovered in suffering Hardships, and Grievances, with Constancy of Mind, Faith, and Resignation to God; in sustaining with an unshaken Firmness of Spirit, the Assaults and Oppositions it meets with in a Course of Virtue and Holiness. The former depends more on bodily Strength, and the Warmth and Sprightliness of the natural Constitution, suited to that external Warfare to which it is applied; the latter depends more on the Improvement of the Mind, by the Grace of God’s holy Spirit, and those divine Qualities and Principles, wrought into the Temper of the Soul, that establish and strengthen it against all Temptations and Terrors. They both conspire in a resolute Contempt of Danger in Adherence to, & Pursuit of a good Cause.

But that which I assert is, There is nothing more conducive to a well tempered Courage in a Christian Soldier, than the Principles of his Religion, that inspire him with Zeal and Fortitude in his spiritual Warfare. True Religion, though it lays a Restraint on the vainglorious Humor, and banishes Pride, Ambition, and false Notions of Honour and Greatness, that help to generate a sort of Courage and Boldness in profane Men, yet it does not tend to make men Cowards, but truly valiant, whenever there is a just Occasion to exert their Valor. What shall we say of Abraham the Father of the faithful, who with so much Courage and Generosity undertook, with his trained Servants and Allies, to pursue the victorious Army, defeated them and rescued his Brother Lot?

The Church of God (as well as the World) has had its Worthies nourished up in the Principles of the true Religion, who have signalized themselves in martial Exploits, with that Justice and Honour, Courage and Bravery, Conduct and Success, which perhaps, is scarce to be equaled by the most celebrated Heroes in the gentile World; such were Moses and Joshua, the Leaders of the Armies of Israel, and those renowned Champions enrolled in the Catalogue of Believers, by the Author to the Hebrews 11:32-33, etc. Gideon, Barak, Sampson, Jeptha and David, who through Faith subdued Kingdoms, wrought Righteousness (or vindicated the just Cause of God’s People against their unreasonable and tyrannical Oppressors) —out of Weakness were made Strong, waxed valiant in Fight, turned to fight the Armies of the Aliens. And of Zion it may be said, this and that brave Man was born and bred there, who has acquired great Fame and Renown by their Valor in the Wars of the Lord. And as that Example of those forementioned Worthies, who were great and eminent Soldiers, reflects an Honour on the military Office; so, it shews that Faith and Piety is not only consistent with, but greatly befriends martial Courage and Success. For it is observable, that it was their Faith in God, that,

Faith which hath such a signal Use and Influence in the spiritual War, to which our Victories over Sin, the World and the Devil, are peculiarly ascribed; it was that Faith, I say, which inspired them with that heroic Valor, that enabled them to perform such notable Exploits. Through Faith they subdued Kingdoms, waxed valiant in Fight, etc. True Faith in God and his Word, with the Train of Graces that march under the Conduct of it, Self-denial, Love, Zeal, Hope, Patience, Humility, will not only fit a Man for doing great and acceptable Service to God, but also embolden him to face Dangers, and endure Hardships and Adversities, with an unconquerable Resolution: And having by Faith engaged the Power and Presence of God by his Spirit within him, and his Providence about him, he can rest confident and secure, as to the Issue of the Conflict.

Yea, divine Grace many times adds a marvelous Strength and Courage to those that are of a Temper naturally weak and timorous; who (in this Sense,) out of Weakness have been made strong. The Gospel speaks Strength and Magnanimity into the fearful and fainthearted. Isaiah 35:4. Say to them that are of a fearful Heart, be strong, fear not. And the Spirit that goes along with it and breaths in it, is not a Spirit of Fear, or Cowardice, but a Spirit of Power, of Love, and of a sound Mind, 2 Timothy 1:7. ‘Tis prophesied, Zecheriah 12:8. He that is feeble among them at that Day shall be as David.

“Divine Grace, (saith [Matthew] Henry [Commentary on Zechariah 12] there) makes Children not only Men, but Champions, not only good Soldiers, but great Soldiers like David.”

Those that were feeble by Nature, have been made strong by Grace, to encounter the greatest Terrors of the World; witness the Martyrs of Jesus: Tho’ the Archers shot at them and hated them, and fore grieved them, yet their Bow abode in Strength and the Arms of their Hands were made strong by the Hands of the mighty God of Jacob. ‘Tis surprising to read in Ecclesiastical Story, the Triumphs of divine Grace over the

Power and Malice of Earth and Hell, even in many Persons of the tenderest Constitution, who with an invincible Christian Patience and Constancy, have been enabled to meet with Torments and Death, in all the Forms of Terror that the Malice of Hell could contrive.

Behold, with us, (says one of the Ancients, speaking of the Christian Martyrs,) The weaker Sex, and the most tender Age, suffer all the Parts of their Body to be torn and burnt, not out of Necessity, for they might shun it, but out of Choice, because they believe in God; this is that true Virtue, which the Philosopher vainly boasts of, but never really possessed.

If therefore to be truly courageous and valiant, is to be able to surmount our Fears, and despise Dangers, on just and honorable Occasions, we see whence it is we may be best furnished with true Valor and Magnanimity, namely, from those Christian Principles by which the noble Army of Martyrs were acted, under the Conduct of Michael, in the War with the Dragon. When in Adherence to the Faith and Hope of the Gospel, and in the Cause of Virtue and Piety, they could bid Defiance to the greatest Terrors of Sense, and triumph over all Opposition, with an unshaken Constancy.

In a Word, the true Christian is the true Hero; and they that act the Christian will not fail to act the Man; all manly Virtues being improved to their highest Perfection by the Spirit of Christianity.

These Considerations now warrant me, with great Propriety, in Compliance with the Occasion & Design of this Day, to address this Exhortation to Men of the military Profession, and particularly to the Honorable Company of the Artillery, at whose Invitation and Request, I have engaged in the present Service to declare to them some Part of the divine Counsels. Wherefore,

Honored Sirs! The Exhortation I bring you from the Oracles of God is this,

If, together with military Skill, you would also excel in a truly martial Spirit, becoming the Profession of a Soldier, Learn to quit your selves like Men in the Christian Sense, and be strong. Put on, and put forth a Christian Fortitude and Magnanimity in the Course of your spiritual Warfare; and thus, you will be accomplished in the best Manner for any hazardous Service, if called to it in a Time of War.

Let me observe, that among the various Changes and Vicissitudes of humane Affairs, the different and opposite Events that do interchangeably succeed each other in the Course of humane Life, for which Solomon tells us, there is a Time and Season allotted by the Degree of Heaven, those which do more eminently affect Nations and Kingdoms, are a Time of War and a Time of Peace. These take their Turns in their Seasons appointed, and determined by God, which is an Admonition to us, that as War must be managed with Views of Peace, so a Time of Peace must be improved to prepare for War.

It is now, blessed be God, a Time of Peace with us, as it has been for some Years past; and notwithstanding the War, which we have been of late threatened withal, yet it has pleased God to direct and succeed the public Counsels of our Nation so far, as not only to preserve the Peace of the British Dominions, but also through the prudent Mediation of our gracious Sovereign, to give an hopeful Prospect of an happy Period to the War that has of late Years disturbed and distressed Europe.

Nevertheless, considering the frequent Changes, incident to the public Affairs of Nations, it must be own’d to be a People’s Wisdom and Interest, in a Time of this profound Tranquility and Peace, to strengthen and prepare themselves in the best Manner for War; to be furnished with a good Militia, to keep alive the martial Genius, and by all proper Means to encourage it, that they may be in a ready Posture of Defense on the turn of Affairs. For which Reason, as I heartily concur with those of my Reverend Fathers and Brethren who have stood here before me, on these anniversary Occasions, in recommending military Skill and Discipline, so, at the same time, I think it highly proper and needful, particularly to encourage the keeping up the martial Spirit and Valor, which is more in Danger of sinking and declining in a Time of Peace, than bare Skill in the Use of warlike Weapons.

These are two different Things, though they mutually support and befriend each other; and it is a desirable Thing that those who excel in military Skill, might also excel in true Valor; and on the contrary, that those who excel in a Spirit of Valor, might be endowed with equal Skill to guide and manage it; yet ’tis known, these do not always go together. We read Psalm 78:9. The Children of Ephraim being armed, and carrying Bows, turned back in the Day of Battle. Tho’ furnished with all warlike Accoutrements, being armed, and carrying Bows, armed with the Weapons of War then in Use, and well instructed, no doubt, in the Use of them, yet when it came to a Battle in good earnest, they made an inglorious Retreat, for want of Spirit and Courage; could not face the Enemy, but turned back in the Day of Battle. Wherefore, to acquire and cherish this martial Spirit, to be brave and bold in the Face of Danger, is no less the Concern of a good Soldier, than to get furnished with Skill in the Art of War.

And since all Occasion of exerting this Spirit of Valor in any military Service, is now happily prevented by the Peace we enjoy, and thro’ the great Goodness of God have some Prospect of the Continuance of; I have therefore thought proper and seasonable to exhort you to keep up th[e] masculine Spirit in Life and Vigor, by exerting it in all such Instances of Christian Fortitude, for which our spiritual Warfare administers frequent Occasions, and which are highly becoming a Christian Soldier.

It is not indeed an hazardous Thing with us, either to undertake a Christian Profession, as it was in the primitive Times of Christianity, when the ruling Powers of the World were set in Opposition to it, or to profess it in its strictest Purity, free from the corrupt Additions of Man’s devising, as it is at this Day in popish Countries. On the contrary, it is both safe and honorable. The bare Name and Profession of a Christian is a cheap and easy Thing, that requires no great Degree of Courage and Resolution; but to live up to the Majesty and Power of our holy Profession, to bear up against the Stream of Flesh and Blood, and the corrupt Maxims, Customs, and Examples of a degenerate World, in a Course of self denying Obedience and Patience, will still try the Sinews of our Souls, and draw out, and exercise all our spiritual Strength.

‘Tis true, thro’ the distinguishing Favour of Heaven, we in this Land are Strangers to the fiery Tryal, and are not called to give a Proof of our Christian Fortitude and Valor, by resisting unto Blood ‖, or sealing our Testimony with our Blood; the Profession and Practice of our holy reformed Religion, being established and patronized by the civil Authority from our Beginnings; a Favour which many of our Brethren and Companions in the Kingdom and Patience of our Lord Jesus Christ, would esteem above all the Wealth in the World; yet we are not Christians indeed, unless we be, in Disposition and Purpose, Martyrs for Christ.

And there are lesser Conflicts in which our Christian Manhood and Fortitude is daily put to the Tryal, particularly in such Instances as these, viz.

In striving against Sin; which all are bound to do, that are listed under Christ’s Banner In combating with our own darling Corruptions and Lusts. In withstanding, restraining, reproving, and testifying against the prevailing Sins and Vices of others, as the Duty of our several Places requires. In a conscionable and strict Observance of such Instances of Piety and Devotion, of Charity and Sobriety, as may be too much out of Fashion in a degenerating Age, without being ashamed of the Words of Christ, or any Part of his holy Religion, in an adulterous and sinful Generation. In being true and firm to the Principles of Conscience, whatever Hazards we run, and in Opposition to secular Allurements and Temptations arising from worldly Interests and Advantages.

In a stable Adherence to a good and just Cause, though it should happen to be discountenaned [sic] by the many and the mighty.

In a vigorous Prosecution of any reasonable Proposal for the Publick Good; and a resolute Self-denial and postponing our own private Interest to that of the Publick, when the one comes in Competition with the other.

In calming and keeping down the tumultuous Passions under Affronts and Provocations.

In keeping up a lively Hope in God, and a placid Resignation to his Will under adverse Occurrences. In getting our Hearts so far raised above the World, both its Frowns and Flatteries, as to be ready to entertain the worst Events that we suppose may happen, with a well governed Temper of Mind, in Opposition to desponding Fears and disquieting Cares.

In these, and other like Instances, the true Magnanimity of a Christian is tried and discovered; and if in these lesser Conflicts and Trials, our Courage fails, what shall we do in greater? If thou hast run with Footmen and they have wearied thee, how canst thou contend with Horses? If in the Land of Peace thou art wearied, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?

Be encouraged then, to play the Man in the constant Course and Exercise of your spiritual Warfare; that being trained up herein, you may be the better armed and prepared for more difficult Encounters and Trials which you may be called forth unto. And for your Direction herein, I can offer nothing more pertinent, than the important Advices which precede the Text, in the same Verse, Watch ye, stand fast in the Faith; which are both the Means and Evidences of spiritual Fortitude. I shall briefly consider and inculcate them as the Means of promoting and increasing a manly Spirit and Courage, proper to the Christian and the Soldier.

Under the former I shall offer a few Things in the Nature of Cautions; under the latter, some more positive Advices.

First then, Watch ye; Keep up a wakeful Sense of your Danger, and be always on your Guard. This Charge belongs to all Christ’s Soldiers. His Kingdom in this World is environed with Enemies; and a Man that hath an Enemy must beware how he sleeps Security is very detrimental, on temporal and spiritual Accounts Nothing more manifestly tends to throw the Minds of Men into a Consternation and Confusion, then unlooked for Dangers; when Men are surprised in their Security, and in no Posture of Defense against sudden Attacks. Let us not be lulled asleep by our present Peace, as for getting that we are the Objects of the Envy and Spite of our evil Neighbours; or neglecting such Means of our Defense, both by Sea and Land, as may render it dangerous to those that are otherwise sufficiently disposed to invade and molest us when ever an Opportunity shall occur Remember Laish, a People that dwelt Careless and Secure, who therefore became an easy Prey to the first Invaders.

Much greater is the Danger our Security will expose us to on spiritual Accounts. Our great Adversary the Devil is both vigilant and expert, and has manifold Advantages against us by Reason of our Weakness, Ignorance, Unskillfulness, and frequent Inadvertencies, thro’ the multiplicity of our Diversions, Business, Company, Calling, Employment, and Recreations; and he is too vigilant an Adversary to loose any of the Advantages he has against us: what Reason then have we to be constantly on our Guard? Be sober, be vigilant, because your Adversary the Devil, as a roaring Lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. And ’tis our Security and Presumption that leaves us exposed and defenseless against the Assaults of our spiritual Adversaries.

But that which I aim at under this Head, is to caution you particularly against those Evils that tend to impair and diminish a Spirit of Fortitude and Valor.

1. Watch against the Love of Ease and Idleness, or a slothful indolent Temper. As bodily Exercise contributes to the Strength and Firmness of the bodily Constitution, so all spiritual Gifts and Endowments, natural or supernatural, are invigorated and increased by Use and Exercise, but are diminished and fall into decay by Sloth and Negligence. The Blood of the Soul (as one speaks) runs out in wasted Time. When Gideon was well employed, he hears the Angel saluting him, The Lord is with thee thou mighty Man of Valor.

2. Watch against all kind of Intemperance. Nothing does more immaculate the Mind, nor quench the natural Vigor, than the inordinate Indulgence of sinful Pleasures, Drunkenness and Debauchery. Whoredom and Wine, and new Wine, saith the Prophet, take away the Heart. How many gallant Minds have been enfeebled and dispirited, by being dissolved in Ease, Luxury, Intemperance, and Effeminacy? This Caution is the more to be regarded, because of the too great Prevalency [sic] of this Vice, in Town and Country, especially on Days of Training, to the Scandal of those military Exercises, and defeating in a great Measure, the proper Ends of them.

3. Watch against all unseemly Heats, and outbreakings [sic] of Passion in Word and Behavior. This is unmanly, and an Argument of a dangerous weak Mind; whereas to be able to bridle the Passions, and quell those intestine Commotions, is a nobler Instance of true Fortitude, than the famed Achievements of Alexander or Caesar. To this agrees the Sentence of Solomon, He that is slow to Anger is better than the mighty, and he that ruleth his Spirit, than he that taketh a City.

4. Watch against Pride, Ambition, Avarice, and inordinate worldly Cares; which tend to contract the Spirits, and to narrow up a Man’s Views to his own private Interests, and to draw out the Strength and Vigor of his Soul the same Way; contrary to that Publick Spirit, that generous enlarged Charity, that should inspire and warm the Breast of a Soldier, and engage him to stand in the Defense of the Publick Liberties of his Country; and when need requires, to be courageous, and play the Man for his People, and the City of his God.

‘Tis not from a Suspicion that this honorable Company will suffer the Stain of any of these Vices to cleave to them, that I urge these Things, but rather that they might be moved to excel in the contrary Graces, and be Examples to the whole Militia of the Country, in all military Virtue, as well as Skill and Discipline. Nevertheless, the most confirmed Virtue needs to be thus guarded. And our blessed Saviour saw it requisite to caution his own Disciples against some of the worst of these Vices; saying to them, Take heed to your selves, least at any time your Hearts be over charged with Surfeiting and Drunkenness and the Cares of this Life . But to proceed to the more positive Advices under the second Head.

Stand fast in the Faith; and that by a firm Adherence to the Doctrine of Faith, a constant Perseverance in the Grace of Faith, and an unshaken Fidelity and Steadfastness in the Covenant of Faith.

1. Adhere firmly to the Doctrine of Faith, the Gospel Revelation of our Saviour; the great Usefulness whereof in its several Articles, to establish and embolden the Hearts of Men to encounter Difficulties & Dangers, I must not insist upon: but I cannot forbear observing that the two grand Articles of Reveal’d Religion, viz. The Doctrine of a Sinner’s Reconciliation to an offended God by an atoning Mediator, and that of eternal Life hereafter in the Kingdom of Heaven, seriously improved by Faith, have a peculiar Force above all the great Dictates of moral Philosophy, to raise a Courage that will hold out against the most threatening Dangers. A Man conscious to himself of the Displeasure of his Maker, however he may, in the heat of Blood and Spirits, rush with a seeming Fearlessness on Dangers and Death, (which yet looks rather like a brutal Fierceness, than the Courage and Confidence of a Reasonable Creature, who sedately ponders the Issues of Things) yet let him once entertain serious Thoughts of that God with whom he is at Variance, and the vast

Preparations of Wrath he has made against the Time of Trouble, against the Day of Battle and War; and his Courage must needs fail him, and his Heart sink within him; for can thine Heart endure, or can thine Hands be strong in the Day that he shall deal with thee? Whereas upon the Terms of a Reconciliation to God, it is promised, Thou shall not be afraid of Destruction when it cometh, yea, thou shalt laugh at Destruction and at Famine, Job 5:21-22. For those who are quieted with Heaven’s Smiles may bid Defiance to all the terrible Things of this World. And the Soldier who having his Feet shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace, and supported and animated with the Hopes of a better Life after this, which that Gospel inspires, can with an intrepid Courage look the King of Terrors in the Face, may reasonably be supposed to be best prepared of all Men (Caeteris Paribus) to face an Enemy in the Field of Battle, with a Presence of Mind not to be intimidated by all the confused Noise where with every Battle of the Warrior is carried on, and with Garments rolled in Blood.

Therefore, adhere to the Principles of revealed Religion; Stand fast in the Faith. Stand fast in the Gospel of Christ, which is the only solid Ground of Patience and Fortitude in encountering the Evils that surround us in this our warfaring [sic] State, and of all our Comforts and Hopes living and dying.

And indeed, this Exhortation, let me note by the Way, seems peculiarly seasonable at this Day, when revealed Religion is so openly attacked by Deists and Libertines, and prophane Spirits, that set their Wits and Mouths against the Heavens. The more secret and subtle Insinuations of Infidelity that appear in some, and the more open and bold Challenges of bare faced Infidels in others of the Books and Writings of the present Age, call upon all Ranks and Orders to be valiant for the Truth , and to contend earnestly for the Faith once delivered unto the Saints; a Faith that has been in such a remarkable and convictive Manner attested from Heaven, and sealed with the Blood of so many Thousand Martyrs, and which is the most powerful Instrument of beating down the Kingdom of Sin and Satan, and of advancing the Kingdom and Glory of God in this lower World, and the only effectual Means of recovering Mankind, from their brutish Degeneracy, and the Charter of all our great Hopes Surely this is a Faith worth contending for, with Zeal and Earnestness!

2. Persevere constantly in the Grace of Faith, without which the Doctrine of Faith will be but of little Use. Our Faith is mainly struck at by our spiritual Enemies, because all our other Graces, wherein our Strength and Armour of Defense lies, live or die with it: Let Faith therefore be kept up in a lively Exercise. It is the Property of this Grace to quiet and confirm the Heart against all Fears; and to enable us to stand our Ground against the Wiles of Satan, and his fiery Darts; and to keep our selves untainted from the Impurities, Lusts, and Temptations of this present World, and also to fortify our Minds against visible Dangers and Terrors. It was the Faith of those great Heroes mentioned Hebrews 11, that enabled them (as was observed) to triumph over the armed Powers of their visible Enemies, as well as to persevere victoriously in their spiritual Warfare. Faith looks at that God who is invisible, and sets him as present before us, and resting itself on his almighty Power, Wisdom, Goodness, and Truth, enables the Believer to triumph before the Battle. If with David, we fix the Eye of our Faith on God, and can say of him by an appropriating Act of Faith, The Lord is my Light and my Salvation whom shall I fear? the Lord is the Strength of my Life, of whom shall I be afraid, Psalm 27:1.

Then, though with him, we forecast in our Minds the most amazing Dangers, this our Faith will furnish us with a Courage to surmount them, as it follows, Tho’ an Host should encamp against me, my Heart shall not fear, though War should rise against me, in this will I be confident. Arm yourselves therefore with this Faith, which reconciles and reunites this Soul to God thro’ Christ, and engages his gracious Presence and Protection, which will afford an holy Security and Confidence in Cases of the greatest Danger and Extremity. God is our Refuge and Strength—therefore will not we fear though the Earth be removed.

3. Abide faithful and steadfast in the Covenant of Faith. The Gospel is propounded to us in the Form of a Covenant, which is the Rule and Warrant of our Faith; wherefore to stand fast in the Faith is to continue true and faithful to God in the Duties of the Covenant, as well as to rely on his Truth and Faithfulness in the Promise of it. And a true Heart is a necessary Requisite to a full Assurance of Faith . And there is nothing that does more effectually ruin Men’s Confidence, and put a damp on their Spirits, than Conscience of Guilt and Perfidiousness.

The Reason why the Children of Ephraim, that warlike Tribe, being armed, and carrying Bows turned back in the Day of Battle, Psalm 78:9, is assigned in the next Words, They kept not the Covenant of God, and refused to walk in his Laws. Whereas on the contrary, nothing will give a Man Boldness and Confidence in the Sight of God and Man, like a good Conscience towards God; this will make him like an Iron Pillar, and a brazen Wall, and enable him to lift up his Face without Spot, to be steadfast, and not fear. The wicked flee when “no Man pursueth, but the Righteous are bold as a Lyon.” Wherefore adhere faithfully to God and his Service, and he shall strengthen your Hearts, and the Conscience of your Integrity, will minister a Courage that is capable of enduring the sharpest Trials. But after all, it is fit that we be minded that our Strength lies not in ourselves, but must be derived from Heaven by Faith and Prayer, and maintained by continual Supplies thence. Be strong therefore in the Lord, and in the Power of his Might.

These Directions, ’tis confessed, are, according to the primary Design of the Apostle, of more general Use to all Christians in all their spiritual Conflicts; yet we see also, by the few Hints I have given, how peculiarly Serviceable and Useful they are to raise and maintain a truly masculine Courage and Boldness, proper to an accomplished Soldier, which confirms the Observation, That true military Valor is best supported by the Principles of Christian Fortitude.

All that now remains is to point out and press the general Intendment of my Text, with Respect to Christians of all Ranks and Degrees. Let us be strong, and quit our selves like Men, in the Management of our spiritual Warfare. Our Baptism is our military Oath to be true and faithful to our great Leader and Commander, the Captain of our Salvation, in fighting his Battles against the Powers of the Kingdom of Darkness, which is a Kingdom founded in Sin and Rebellion against God. Let us therefore with manly Vigor and Resolution oppose our own Sins and Lusts that war in our Members, and war against our Souls, and suppress the Insurrection and Rebellion of carnal Affections against the Rule of Reason and Grace. The Contest here is for the Dominion of a reasonable Creature, that the manly Part of our Natures may not be enslaved to the brutal; that Reason and Conscience may not be overborn by impetuous sensual Appetites, Lusts and Passions.

In striving for the Mastery of these, let us play the Man, and fight, not as beating the Air; but let us keep under our Bodies, and bring them into Subjection, that they may not hinder our Improvements in the Virtues and Perfections of the spiritual Life. And let us in our several Places, with like Vigor and Resolution, set our selves to oppose the prevailing Corruptions of the present Age; the Iniquities that abound and spread among us in a fearful Degree; Irreligion and Prophaneness, Swearing, Cursing, Lying, Sabbath Prophanation, Pride, Licentiousness, Injustice, Violence and Contention, Tale-bearing and Slandering, Idleness, Luxury, Fornication and Uncleanness, Drunkenness and Intemperance. These Enemies breaking in like a Torrent on our Land, threaten to spoil us of all that is dear and valuable to us, as Men and Christians, as they provoke the great God to become our Enemy, and to Fight against us with his Judgments. A War with these is necessary to our Peace with God, on whose Favour our all depends; and to the prolonging of our outward Peace and Tranquility.

Wherefore, since we are now, through the merciful Indulgence of Heaven, at Liberty from other Wars, let us engage in the vigorous Prosecution of this War; a War which is unexceptionably just and honorable, and highly agreeable to all Christian Charity; a War that requires no Expense of Blood or Treasure, and in which we may be confident that we shall have no Enemies, but such as will be found to Fight even against God.

Let us take Courage then and act like Men, like Champions: Everyone hath his Part to act in this War, Magistrates, Ministers and People. Magistrates, by enacting and executing good Laws against Prophaneness and Immorality, by brandishing the Sword of Justice for the Terror of evil doers. Ministers, by plying the spiritual Artillery of the Gospel against the strong Holds of Sin and Satan, and by lifting up their Voice like a Trumpet, as God’s Heralds, proclaiming his Wrath against the Ungodliness and Unrighteousness of Men, and as his Ambassadors soliciting their Consent to the Gospel Treaties of Peace and Reconciliation, and by taking Care of the due Administration of the Laws of Christ’s Kingdom, for keeping up the Power of Godliness, and extirpating Scandals and Corruptions. And the People in general, by coming into the Help of the Lord against the Mighty; by appearing on the Lord’s Side, in the Service of his Cause, and the Interests of his Kingdom, by their Prayers and serious Endeavors in the Work of personal and family Reformation.

But nothing of all this will be likely to be affected to any considerable Purpose, unless we put on Strength and Courage and a manly Resolution, and exert ourselves with a lively Zeal and Vigor. Permit me therefore to enforce this Exhortation, with the exciting Words of the Prophet, in a Case not altogether unlike to this, Now be strong O Zerubbabel, be strong O Joshua, and be strong all ye People of the Land, and fear ye not, but be assured, that if your Hearts are engaged in this good Work and Warfare, the Lord of Hosts is with you to own, assist, and strengthen you, and to crown your Endeavors, if not with all the desired Success, yet at least with his Favour and gracious Acceptation.


Now to close all with some animating Considerations to the good Soldiers of Jesus Christ, who are engaged in this spiritual Warfare. Be strong, and quit you like Men For consider,

First, The Necessity of this Warfare. Urgent Extremities, ’tis observed, will inspire Courage into a Coward, and even compel him to play the Man. This is our Case; there is an absolute Necessity of our striving for the Mastery. If we conquer, we shall obtain the Crown, but if we suffer ourselves through Sloth and Cowardice to be overborn by the Enemies that war against our Souls, we shall (as Castaways) become the Scorn of Angels and Saints. If we suffer ourselves without Reluctance, to be carried down the Stream of our corrupt Inclinations, there is no Remedy, but we must fall under the Power of the second Death; for it is only the victorious Christian that is exempted: He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second Death.

Consider again, If you persevere in a manful Resistance, you shall certainly overcome.

Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you. Here the Battle is always to the strong; though it be not so in other Wars. Stand your Ground in a Dependance on the Power and Aids of your glorious Captain, and with a Resolution not to yield, and you shall infallibly get the Day, and though your Enemies may inveigle or threaten, they cannot hurt you: None every died in this War, none shall die eternally in fighting Christ’s Battles; adhere faithfully to his Cause and Interest, and he has assured you of the Victory, he will bring you off Conquerors at last, and make you more than Conquerors.

Consider also, by such a resolved manful Resistance, you will recover the true Honour and Dignity of the humane Nature, and the excellent Prerogatives of it, that have been basely betrayed by Sin By every effectual Resistance, by every act of Self-denial, and laborious Striving against the Opposition you meet with from Satan, or your own Corruptions, in a Course of Duty, you will rise up more and more towards a State of Perfection, Liberty, Peace and Joy.

Again consider, Who are the Spectators of this Warfare. Men that are put upon the Trial of their Strength or Skill, before proper Judges, to whose good Opinion they are ambitious to commend themselves, will be sure to do their best, and exert their utmost Endeavors. We are now upon our Trial, and God and Christ and holy Angels are Spectators of the Conflict; and think what a pleasing Thing it is to the great God, to see his poor fallen Creatures struggling with the Opposition that attends them in a Course of Virtue, in aspiring after the Perfection of their reasonable Natures, and so pursuing the End of their Beings! What a Pleasure to the Lord Jesus, to see the Power of his Grace magnified in the Weakness of a Believer, when he is enabled thereby to stand firm against the Attacks of his ghostly Adversaries, to see his Strength put forth to his Praise in and by Babes and Sucklings, for the stilling of the Enemy and the Avenger! Holy Angels also, who rejoice at a Sinner’s Repentance, and at every Degree of his Recovery to God, look on with Joy and Pleasure, and are ready to congratulate your Successes, and to welcome you to their happy Regions, to take Possession of the vacant Seats of those apostate Spirits, who do now so enviously and maliciously oppose your Progress thither.

Consider further, That God, Christ, and Angels are not only Spectators of your Conflicts, but also engaged to be your powerful Assistants therein. And if God be for you, who can be against you? And you have the Mercies and Compassions, the Grace and Spirit, the Sufferings, Victories and Triumphs of your Lord Redeemer, his Satisfaction and Intercession, to depend on for your Encouragement. And the Angels are under him ministering Spirits for your Assistance. Those immortal Warriors are always ready to befriend you with their Aids. On which Accounts you may justly conclude, that those that are with you, are far more and mightier than all that are against you.

Lastly, Consider the glorious Reward promised to the victorious Christian; a Crown of Righteousness, a Crown of Life and Glory. The Saints who have finished their Warfare, are represented in the glorious triumphant State, clothed with white Robes, with Crowns on their Heads, and Palms in their Hands, ministering before the Throne to the supreme King, among the heavenly Courtiers. But alas! all Language fails to describe the Glories that encircle the victorious Christian; and Spirits that dwell in mortal Flesh are too weak and narrow to conceive of the Grandeur of Heaven’s Triumphs. The holy Ghost is pleased to assist our Imaginations by sensible Representations, and Allusions to earthly Triumphs, which yet Reason teaches, must be poor Things in comparison of the heavenly. We must realize by Faith what Eye has never seen, nor Ear heard. It is enough that our blessed Saviour has promised, Be thou faithful unto the Death, and I will give thee a Crown of Life.

Be strong then and have a good Heart on’t, ye Soldiers of Jesus Christ! Abide true and faithful to your Captain, persevere in your Conflict with Sins, Corruptions, Temptations, Afflictions, Crosses, and Oppositions, which you must expect during your militant State, with Courage and Constancy unto the Death; then he will give you the Victory and the Crown, when your Warfare shall be fully accomplished, all Enemies subdued, and Death (the last of them) swallowed up in Victory; and you shall put on the Garland of Immortality, and live & reign with him in a glorious undisturbed Peace and Rest for evermore!


Image Credit: First Muster, Spring 1637, Massachusetts Bay Colony (Wikimedia Commons)

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Peter Clark (1694-1768) was a graduate of Harvard and pastor at Salem Village for 51 years.

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