It’s Time to Fight

Culture War is Upon You

This piece of writing is not for the insider, the highly informed, or elite. It’s for the average mom or dad, the grandparent, aunt, uncle, brother, or sister. It is for, as one might say, the ‘every man.’ It is for the person who simply wants to be left alone, who does good work, loves their family, wants to come home from a hard, but good day’s work and rest. 

To this person I say, it’s time to fight. Do not let the word “fight” deter you from continuing to read.

The previously avoidable culture war is now unavoidable. It is on your TV screen, it’s in your child’s classroom, it’s on your smart phone, it’s in social media, it’s at your doorstep. It is unavoidable. This decadent, secular, unbiblical world wants our children and grandchildren, our homes, our thoughts, our lives. The DNA of the Davos elite now runs through the veins of our dearest institutions, even in some of the evangelical elite. This is not hyperbole; it is reality.

Most people were raised not to fight. Our parents would tell us, ‘Do all you can to avoid conflict at school.’ We were told that the best way to stay out of trouble is to stay away from trouble. In fact, the Bible notes that we are to “strive for peace with everyone” (Heb. 12:14). Romans 12:18-19 asserts that so far as it depends on us, we are to live peaceably with all people. Further, we are told that anger does not accomplish God’s purposes (James 1:10) and that God blesses those who make peace (Mt. 5:9), turn the other cheek (Mt. 5:38-42), and love their enemies (Mt. 5:43-48). And if that’s not enough, Jesus commanded His followers to put away their swords, for those who live by violence will die by violence (Mt. 26:52). 

All of this is straight up truth. But what has happened is that many good-hearted believers have put these biblical truths on steroids to the extent that they have become passive about all things biblical, righteous, and truthful. They have failed to counter texts of peace with texts of spiritual warfare. 

As a result, the Christian community in the West, especially in America, have retreated from saying or doing anything for the cause of righteousness and the kingdom of God that may seem disagreeable or divisive. As a result, we are now shocked that the enemy has infiltrated every area of life. The battle is enjoined. It is inescapable. The barbarians are at the city gate, overrunning the last place on earth a person might live in freedom and liberty.

Yet, the same Jesus who said to put away your sword also said He came to bring a divisive sword (Mt. 10:34). And even if only for the sake of self-defense, why did Jesus tell His disciples to sell their cloaks and buy a sword, maybe two (Lk. 22:35-38)? Couple this with the ‘fight texts’ of 1 Timothy 6:12 and 2 Timothy 4:7, along with soldier texts (1 Cor. 9:7; 2 Tim. 2:3-4), and the spiritual warfare text of Ephesians 6:10-20 and what you have is an arsenal of spiritual weaponry fit for a battle.  

Nehemiah: Builder, Warrior

Being a man of peace does not mean you cannot be a man of war. Take the case of Nehemiah.

When Nehemiah arrived in the ruined city of Jerusalem, all he wanted to do was rebuild the city walls in route to rebuilding the people of his spiritual heritage. As far as we know, he was not a man of war, but a leader and a builder. That is, until he ran into the likes of the enemies of God’s people and God’s kingdom work, Saballet, Tobiah (Neh. 2:19-10) and Geshem (Neh. 6:1). Hindered by their slander, threats, roadblocks, and outright deception, Nehemiah encouraged God’s people to become reluctant, but happy warriors as they rebuilt the city walls of Jerusalem.

With trowel in one hand and a sword in another, and surrounded by fellow patriots, Nehemiah 4:8-14 succinctly puts Nehemiah’s call to arms in clear terms:

And they all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and to cause confusion in it. And we prayed to our God and set a guard as a protection against them day and night. In Judah it was said, ‘The strength of those who bear the burdens is failing. There is too much rubble. By ourselves we will not be able to rebuild the wall.’ And our enemies said, ‘They will not know or see till we come among them and kill them and stop the work.’ At that time the Jews who lived near them came from all directions and said to us ten times, ‘You must return to us.’ So, in the lowest parts of the space behind the wall, in open places, I stationed the people by their clans, with their swords, their spears, and their bows. And I looked and arose and said to the nobles and to the officials and to the rest of the people, ‘Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes.’

Because of their courage, the walls were rebuilt in a mere fifty-two days. 

What We Fight For

Like Nehemiah, it is time for us to not be afraid, to remember our great God, and to fight. But fight for what? We fight for a civilization that is shaped and measured by God’s truth. We fight for our families to be constructed according to God’s Word. We fight for the gospel to be preached freely and without hindrance (Acts 28:31). We fight for our homes. We fight for God’s kingdom truths. We fight for God’s notions of human dignity and sexuality, for biblical marriage, for parental authority and responsibility, for traditional values, for government to stay in its lane, for freedom, liberty, and self-rule. We fight for biblical justice with biblical truth. We fight for life in a culture of death. In other words, we fight for and with biblical truth, for our families, and we fight for God’s kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. We fight against idolatry, indecency, and the lack of dignified discretion. 

How Do We Fight?

Christians do not fight as the world fights. We are not angry warriors. We do not use hatred, anger, envy, jealousy, and deception. We have specialized weapons just for the occasion – divine weapons, biblical arguments, truths that assault the walls of the tyrannies of deception, and false opinions and philosophies that must be smashed with the hammer of truth (2 Cor. 10:1-6). Further, we fight a spiritual war against the kingdoms of darkness with truth, righteousness, the gospel, faith, salvation, the Word of God, prayer, accompanied by other happy warriors called the Church (Eph. 6:10-20). 

We fight privately, in that we seek to win the war within our own hearts first. We fight patiently, for long term results, as long as it takes. We fight prayerfully. We fight persistently. We fight powerfully in the Spirit. We fight for our families as we seek to hold on to God’s pattern for marriage. We fight publicly in that we are not afraid to speak up and speak out with biblical truth in all spheres of life in all circumstances in ways that fit the occasion. We speak truth with love, righteousness with regularity, compassion without sappy empathy, and the gospel with fearless, bold humility. 

What Does the Fight Look Like?

It’s the mother who fights for her child who’s addicted to meth. It’s the dad who seeks to protect the integrity of his wife and daughter. It’s the parent who shows up at the school board to speak clearly, compassionately, and consistently. It’s the grandmother who does not retire but aids her children in raising the next generation in godliness and righteousness. It’s the person who refuses to go along just to get along. It looks like the person who speaks truth when all others speak lies. 

It looks like Nehemiah, who just wanted to build a wall, but had to do it with a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other. It looks like Paul, who stood before philosophers and Kings with unadulterated gospel truth. It looks like Jesus, who battled Satan with God’s Word and who submitted Himself to the greatest enemy of all – death – only to take up His life again as Prophet, Priest, and King – as Lord. 

The Call

The insider, the highly informed, and the elite are already in the battle, and sometimes not for the good of the kingdom or God’s people (or people in general). It is to the average believer, the Church member, who has depended on others to do their fighting for them, that the call goes out, for them to hear and heed the call to spiritual arms. It is time for us to contend for the faith (Jude 3), to fight the good fight of faith (2 Tim. 4:7), and to enter every sphere of life – home, work, and play – with gospel truth. We know we win the overall war, let us now win the individual battles of that war.

Image Credit: Unsplash

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Kevin Shrum

Kevin Shrum is a pastor in Nashville. He is a father, a grandfather and husband. Kevin has been published in a variety of evangelical journals and even the Tennessean newspaper. Kevin formerly served as a trustee at Midwestern Seminary and has been a professor at Union University, Midwestern Seminary and other seminaries.

32 thoughts on “It’s Time to Fight

  1. There seems to be a lack of clarity throughout the above article. The article is simply not clear as to why we need to fight or how we should fight. The only thing that the article is clear about is that we should be alarmed. To that we need to ask whether we are in times that are worse than what the Church faced in the 1st century. I don’t think so.

    Fighting a culture war is an attempt to dominate others. And the New Testament never seems to even suggest that we should seek to dominate others. Yes, the culture has some negative attributes. But as of now, we are not being persecuted for living out our Christian morals. We are being challenged when we seek to impose our Christian morals on others. However, we are not called by the New Testament to force our values on others.

    Does society need to repent and believe as a whole? Yes. But we already have a way of getting society to repent and believe; it’s called preaching the Gospel. We are called to preach the Gospel and then rest in God’s sovereignty. Doing that is hardly being passive. And preaching the Gospel and resting in God’s sovereignty is also completely different from fighting in order to force a change on our culture.

    If we want the right to preach the Gospel to those in a decadent culture, we need strive for cultural coexistence. For trying to impose our morals on others with very understandably and unnecessarily cause others to do the same to us out of self-defense.

    1. Aren’t you fighting right here in the comments section every day? It seems to me that you aren’t living by your own code. Either its hypocrisy, or you don’t actually believe that the only thing one should do is preach the gospel. Otherwise, what is it to you that others wish to create a Christian nationalist nation?

      Maybe instead of fighting against us, you should just go “preach the gospel”….

      1. Dylan,
        How is disagreeing fighting? How is pointing out error fighting? How is warning people against wanting to dominate others fighting?

        Sure, if you expand the definition of fighting enough, you can make a point, but with a weak definition. But those who are in favor of fighting a culture war are looking to more than just point out errors and sin, they are looking to dominate unbelievers. Am I looking to dominate or am I saying that we should rely on the preaching of the Gospel rather than trying to control culture and society?

      2. Curt Day is absolutely living up to his own code: he’s fighting against his enemies. I.e., God’s people. Dishonesty is just one of his weapons.

        1. Ryan,
          If disagreement makes two sides enemies, then you have made some of God’s people your enemies. For not every believe sees Christian Nationalism as being biblical in New Testament times.

        1. But yeah, this article is pretty confused. “It’s time to fight! Just don’t do anything that resembles actual fighting!”

    2. Curt, I think what’s more important than “preaching the Gospel” is preaching/teaching the whole counsel of God. By minimizing and avoiding other parts of Scripture (especially the OT), you’re actually cheapening the Gospel.

      “For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God. for I didn’t shrink from declaring all that God wants you to know.” Acts 20:27

      1. Jordan,
        As I thought about the response by Dylan, it struck me odd that I was being told to just preach the Gospel, but to Christians. This is where what you wrote applies: to preach the whole council of God.

        But there is disagreement as to what that whole council is when talking to society. Why? Because society is made up of believers and unbelievers. Because what is required to be in good standing in society is different and less than what is required to be in good standing in the Church. Because without faith, people cannot please God. And what leads to faith but the preaching of the Gospel. And preaching the Gospel, including calling for the repentance from sin, is what we do when evangelizing. We should also note that Paul was speaking to a church in Acts 20:27. In fact, Paul even makes a distinction between what he says to mature Christians from what he says to carnal Christians in I or II Corinthians.

        What seems to be the case on this website is that there is too little, if any distinction, between what should be required to be in good standing in society from what puts one in good standing from the Church. There are multiple reasons for the failure to make those distinctions. And one of those reasons is the kind of thinking that is employed, it is the same kind of thinking that is the bedrock of authoritarianism.

  2. Christians have lost jobs for refusing to use trans pronouns. This precisely fits the definition of “being persecuted for living out our Christian morals,” which Curt Day says is not happening.

    1. JW,
      Isn’t refusing to use trans pronouns a part of the imposition of our morals on others rather than a mere living out of our own values? And isn’t the trans community just recently coming out from being marginalized? And so how many Christians have been fired for being monogamous or going to church?

      In one sense, the religiously conservative Christian approach to the transgender issue mirrors the approach of many in the LGBT community–note that it is a mirror image. Both conflate biological sex with gender identity but from opposite ends. While many of my fellow religiously conservative Christians believe that one’s biological sex is the only factor that should determine one’s gender identity, many in the LGBT community believe it is the other way around by saying that it is only one’s gender identity that should be used to determine one’s biological sex. The problem is that biological sex is a physical trait, gender identity is not even though it can be influenced or caused by physical, biological conditions. And so the two can’t be conflated logically speaking.

      In addition, while many of us rely on a statement from a part of Genesis that was before the Fall, we see that afterwards, there are more than 2 biological sexes–note I said ‘biological sexes,’ not genders. That other biological sex is sometimes called, Intersex. This is where a person has a mixture of male and female parts. In too many cases, Many of us religiously conservative Christians have dismissed that 3rd sex.

      If the Trans part of the LGBT community had not been marginalized in the first place, it is well possible that the refusal to use the adopted gender pronouns would not cause a stir. But such is not the case because religiously Conservative Christianity has led the way in calling for the marginalization of the LGBT community. And so that marginalization could rightly be seen as Christians imposing their values on others, which was my point about why we are persecuted in the first place.

      1. Calling a man ‘she’ is a lie. Refusing to lie is a form of Christians living out their values. This is not imposing values on others, merely refusing to sin.

        Transvestitism should be discouraged, as it is unhealthy for society and individuals. If that is marginalization, so be it. People suffering from gender dysphoria should be treated with love and compassion. They should be supported in dealing with trauma and encouraged to live as their true sex.

        Sex and gender are inextricably linked. You cannot be a woman in a man’s body.

        The stuff about intersex people is a red herring.

        1. JW,
          People who are intersex is a reality. According an article in the National Library of Medicine, about 0.018% are born intersex per year. With at least 3.6 million babies being born per year in the U.S., that means that over 600 are born intersex per year. Certainly that is a small number but everyone in that small number is a human person. The point about intersex is clear, that what we see now isn’t what creation was designed to be and the presence of intersex people is evidence pointing to that.

          Again, when we call someone born a male a ‘she,’ is it a lie if we were referring to their gender identity ? Again, biological sex is not gender identity. And there are possible physical causes for gender dysphoria that leads to one adopting a gender identity different from what their biological sex says that the person is. 2 such physical causes are genetic defects that affect how the body responds to hormones and where the physical structure of the brain does not match one’s genitalia–btw, there is a male brain structure and a female brain structure.

          Gender identity is not biological sex. While the former is a psychological/sociological construct, the latter is a physical and biological construct. Thus it would be an error to conflate the two. And since they can’t be conflated, isn’t it logical to recognize that one’s gender identity may not match their biological sex, especially when there are possible physical causes for gender dysphoria?

          1. I didn’t say intersex is not a reality. I just said it was irrelevant to pronoun usage. Claiming intersex is a 3rd sex is unwarranted. All (or almost all) intersex people have an identifiable chromosomal sex and a disorder that interferes with normal sex markers.,an%20older%20term%20for%20DSD.

            In the book of Matthew Jesus affirms the teaching from Genesis (“male and female he created them”) has ongoing relevance for how we live our lives after the Fall.

            The remainder of your comments just provide examples of begging the question. You assume this thing called “gender identity” can be different from and in conflict with biological sex and that gender identity is a psychological/sociological construct. Why should anyone believe either of those claims? What evidence is there?

            The claims about brain structure and trans identity should be treated with skepticism. This is far from settled science. We have good reason to doubt the idea that gender dysphoria has a physical cause. We know about social contagion and rapid-onset gender dysphoria. We know most people who experience gender dysphoria grow out of it. Those facts are hard to square with a physical cause.

            You run into another problem. The concept of male and female brain structures assumes fixed and independent definitions of male and female. So, you can’t go from biological observations which show only the existence of male and female to gender identity distinct from biology. You’re stuck assuming the ethereal concept of gender identity.

            Your view of gender identity places you outside of orthodox Christianity which affirms the importance of the physical body.

          2. JW,
            The existence of intersex is not irrelevant to pronoun usage when that usage is based solely on Genesis 1:27. That is because despite the small percentage of those born that way, they are a reality that fits neither the male nor female sexes. And so we have 3 biological sexes: male, female, and intersex.

            As for gender identity, we see the differences between one’s biological sex and gender identity by both what people report about their own gender identity and, again, the possible physical causes of gender dysphoria. Depending on how one has historically used the term ‘gender,’ it is understandable why some see no difference between gender identity and biological sex. That is because the terms ‘gender’ and ‘sex’ have been used interchangeably. But that is not true for all depending on the context of the usage. I think that we religiously conservative Christians are too defensively eager to insist that gender and biological sex are the same for all contexts, especially because of how we interpret passages like Genesis 1:27. And we do that, we show an inadequate understanding on how the Fall has corrupted what nature was designed to be as well as an over eagerness to reduce all gender dysphoria experiences to sin nature that we see as having no physical component.

          3. JW,
            When Jesus is talking about male and female, He is talking in the context of what he wanted to say about marriage.

            And the discrepancy between the chromosome makeup and visible genitalia tells us that neither male nor female are defined solely by one factor.

          1. Nonsense.

            The fact remains that people have lost jobs for refusing to use trans pronouns. Your claim that the real reason for persecution is past marginalization is a non-falsifiable assertion presented without evidence.

            If you listen to trans people, it’s clear they want their identity to be affirmed. Pronouns were always going to be a source of conflict.

          2. JW,
            Yes, people have lost jobs. But why have they lost jobs is the question.

            Is it lying to call a person born as man ‘she’ because of their gender identity? I don’t think so when one is respecting their gender identity.

            BTW, the ‘nonsense’ response is not clear as to whether you object to a part of what I wrote or all of it. You can say ‘nonsense’ to the possible physical causes of gender identity, but then you would be arguing with science, which ironically enough, you claim is on your side here.

            That what was said in Genesis 1:27 precedes the Fall is not nonsense. That a lot of what we see in creation now does not follow God’s design is not nonsense. That that disparity between what we see in nature and how God designed nature is due to the Fall is not nonsense.

  3. Intersex is not a third sex. Even better than chromosomes for defining sex is gamete production. There are only two gametes, hence only two sexes. No third gamete, no third sex. Intersex people also do not produce both gametes.

    Apparently you believe in the idea of a gender identity disconnected from biology because you believe what trans people say about themselves. You are taking at face value the claims of people with an obvious vested interest in justifying their decision to mutilate their bodies. These are claims about gender that would have been unthinkable prior to the sexual revolution. Why so credulous?

    My comment about nonsense was obviously directed at your claim about why people have lost their jobs. The very clear answer is that people lost jobs for refusing to use trans pronouns, i.e., refusing to lie.

    It is a lie to call a man ‘she’. This ethereal gender identity concept is a fiction.

    Let me ask you a very clear question: If you see someone who is pregnant who asks to be called “he,” is it a lie to call that person “he”? If you can call a pregnant person “he”, you are affirming the gnostic heresy, to be honest.

    1. JW,
      Do you know anyone who is intersex? I do. If they are neither male nor female, that would make them a third sex. And what your info showed is that chromosomes alone do not determine the sex of the person. Otherwise, what is biologically observable would follow the chromosomes. And that doesn’t include the XO, XXX, and other combinations.

      And, btw, how is it that when I say that there are possible physical causes for gender dysphoria, that you claim that I believe that gender identity is apart from biology? I am simply saying that gender identity is a psychological/sociological construct that doesn’t necessarily follow what is physically observable. And we don’t know all of the factors, which include but are not restricted, biological factors. What you are saying is that gender identity is solely determined by what what can be observed at birth.

      What you call fiction are real life experiences for people. You feel you can do that because you conflate biological sex with gender identity. And yet, when biological sex produces those who are intersex, you deny that there is a third sex because of the chromosomes even when the chromosomes are not the traditional XX or XY.

      To have your interpretation of passages like Genesis 1:27 and the passage in Matthew to be correct, you have to deny people’s experiences or even their personal biology. And what you don’t consider is whether you are interpreting and applying those passages correctly. When Heliocentrism was proposed, Church leaders from both the Roman Church and the Protestant Churches bombastically attacked the concept because they were sure that their interpretation of the Scriptures made their rejection of Heliocentrism infallible. But that wasn’t the case. And so here, all I am proposing is that we reserve judgment until we know more about the causes for both intersex and gender dysphoria. After all, all of the research on the two subjects unanimously agree that more research is required.

      Finally, when I say calling a person born as a male she because they request it, I am referring to respecting their gender identity, not denying their biology. Again, sex is a physical, biological trait. Gender identity is a psychological/sociological construct about which much research is needed. Because of the different spheres in which the two reside, the conflation of the two by either religiously conservative Christians or those from the LGBT community is wrong.

      1. You’re misunderstanding or ignoring what I wrote.

        Your understanding of intersex conditions is incorrect. It’s not true that they are neither male nor female.

        I’m not conflating gender identity and sex. I’m denying that there is such a thing as a gender identity that refers to any underlying reality. Regardless of whatever you want to say about gender identity, what I am ultimately denying is that it could be true for someone to say “I am a man trapped in a woman’s body.” This is not logically possible. It’s not possible to define “man” or “woman” in such a way that “I am a man trapped in a woman’s body” makes sense.

      2. We can also see a clear contradiction here in your argument. You insist that gender identity is totally distinct from biological sex (“different spheres”), but you also define gender identity by connection to male and female brain structures, which refers to biological sex. So, gender identity is both totally distinct from sex and defined with reference to sex. Try to make that make sense. Try to give an actual definition of gender identity.

        1. JW,
          I am not contradicting myself by saying there is a connection. That is especially true when the gender identity goes against the classification based on the observable genitalia. One way of addressing the discrepancy in this case is to expand the definition of intersex. Also saying that there is a possible connection does not reduce gender identity to the biological sex.

      3. JW,
        It is true that they are neither male nor female. The article you cited is an opinion piece commenting on a religious position on the subject. Just logic alone tells us that those who are neither male nor female constitute a third sex even if that sex is some kind of hybrid of the male and female sexes. Perhaps you should include in your research the voices of those who are intersex.

        And you are conflating both gender identity and biological sex., even if by denying its existence. What I am saying about gender identity is that both the conservative approach and the approach by the LGBT community are two different sides of the same coin. One denies the existence of gender identity outside of the biological reality while the other says that the biological reality is determined solely by the gender identity. Both approaches are wrong and that might mean that we have a partial agreement on the subject despite our semantic differences. It is only when we look at biological sex and gender identity as two nonconflatable, distinct entities that we can deal with history and reality.

        If you look at the history of some Native American tribes, you will find that they recognized up to 5 different genders. And they were inclusive of the people with those different genders in their society without question. In addition, that there are possible physical causes for gender dysphoria points to the existence of gender identity based on underlying conditions (see ).

        I agree if all you are saying is that one can’t claim to be a biological female if they were born a biological male. But for as long as we sharply separate biological sex from gender identity, we can put ourselves into the position of listening to those with gender identity without feeling compelled to contradict the reality they are experiencing. It happens that there are males who identify as females and vice-versa. They just can’t deny the physical reaiity of the biological sex they born with which is affirmed when they make claims like, ‘I am a female trapped in the body of a male.’ BTW, there is no denial of any biological fact in that claim

        1. The article I cited is a peer-reviewed article summarizing the literature on the meaning of sex and intersex. Label it whatever you want, you apparently can’t refute the contents. In the article, the author defines sex clearly and shows there are no known examples (except a single, possible, unverifiable case) that conflict with the idea “Sex in human beings is exclusively male and female.”

          According to you, gender identity and sex must be kept “sharply separate,” are “distinct entities,” in “different spheres,” but also connected and one is defined by the other. If you want me to believe that is not a contradiction, please define your terms, use them consistently and explain what’s going on. Discussions of gender identity seem to always have this circular reasoning, which is a good reason to reject the concept altogether.

          If you want to claim that people are “experiencing gender identity,” you have to define gender identity. How can you know gender identity is being experienced if you don’t know what it is?

          1. JW,
            They are distinct but it is wrong to say that one is defined by the other. First, the possible physical causes do not match what is physically used to determine their sex. Second, when I said that there are possible physical causes for the other, that means that there could other causes than physical causes for the presence of gender identity. Your lack of precision means that you are not addressing what I wrote.

            Gender Identity is how people perceive themselves regarding gender. Do they see themselves as males, females, both, alternating. And how they see themselves relates to male and female roles defined by one’s society. This is what I wrote before that gender identity is a psychological/sociological construct, biological sex is a physical construct. Because one is physical and the other isn’t is why they can’t be conflated even if the psychological/sociological one has biological causes only. Biological sex isn’t what we feel about or how we perceive ourselves, gender identity is, our biological sex is what can be seen by looking at us.

  4. These are two quotes from you:

    “They are distinct but it is wrong to say that one is defined by the other.”

    “Gender Identity is how people perceive themselves regarding gender. Do they see themselves as males, females…”

    You just defined gender identity by referring to male and female. The only way to make sense of what you are saying is to acknowledge that if a male perceives himself as female, he is wrong, delusional, etc. So “gender identity” is a lie…

    1. JW,
      What you are missing is another quote about gender identity:

      And how they see themselves relates to male and female roles defined by one’s society.

      It isn’t how they see themselves biologically, it is how they see themselves in terms of the roles they adopt. That is why they can say: ‘I am a female trapped in the body of a male or vice-versa. For the non-binary genders in Native American tribes, there were women who took on the roles of men because of how they saw themselves and vice-versa.

      1. That’s just another definition of gender identity referring to male and female.

        We’ve come to the conclusion that gender identity is fake and Christians are being persecuted. Glad we could do this.

        1. JW,
          That isn’t just another part of gender identity, it is a main part of gender identity. That for some, the roles of the other gender that they have adopted for their own is infringed by the biological sex they were born with. That isn’t fake for those with gender dysphoria. But to insist it is, you want to relegate that part of gender identity as being irrelevant.

          You can call what is real to some people fake all you want. But that only shows a lack of understanding on your part because you can’t rationally explain why it is fake. Perhaps you don’t care to.. Understanding the problem doesn’t mean that one condones all solutions to the problem that some have picked. Understanding the problem first takes wanting to really listen to others no matter how different they are from us. Fear interferes with us wanting to listen to others.

          1. This reply is wholly typical of your responses to having your error and confusion laid bare. It is obvious from your attempted definitions of gender identity and sex that gender identity leads to contradiction. Do you need me to spell it out again?

            Your faux kindness and insistence that we just need to understand and listen is truly monstrous in this case. Believing “what is real to some people” leads to 20-year-old women in despair at their teenage decisions to have hysterectomies and mastectomies.

            What’s more, you can’t really believe this stupidity. Do you believe Rachel Dolezal is really black because it’s real to her? Do we just affirm that? Should we affirm wolfkin in their belief they are really wolves? Of course you don’t believe this.

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