The Rifted Portal of Anonverse
A Response to John Ehrett on Protestant Retrieval Editor’s note: This article is part of a symposium on the current […]
A Response to John Ehrett on Protestant Retrieval Editor’s note: This article is part of a symposium on the current […]
A Year End Reflection I have the privilege of teaching in several different capacities. I teach philosophy at a liberal […]
The Time is Now for Christians to Get in the Game This post was originally given as a talk at […]
Is there a way to make that is consistent with the patterns of creation?
Jeremy Tate, founder of the Classic Learning Test (CLT), has agreed to join me in a conversation to discuss concerns about the CLT
If the CLT reforms their position, then they will become a profound, perhaps unparalleled, force for good.
As the drums of war thunder let us not beat them unthinkingly “Sing, O Muse, of the rage of Achilles…” […]
By recovering our own tradition we will be able to learn how, why, and where we can partner with others in broad coalitions to advance laws for the common good of all Americans. We will find the resources to resist a vision of secular social justice which, divorced from God, necessarily devolves into idolatrous tyranny and oppression.
How accurate are the parallels Rod Dreher draws between the Soviet Union and America today?
Former Mumford and Sons band member Winston Marshal stands for his convictions against the radical left.