Author: Colin Redemer

Colin Redemer

Colin Redemer (Ph.D. candidate, University of Aberdeen) is Director of Education at American Reformer and a professor at St. Mary’s College of California. Formerly he was Executive Director of the Davenant Institute and co-founder of Davenant Hall. His writing has appeared in Ad Fontes Journal, American Mind, First Things, Mere Orthodoxy, and The Lamp, among others; most recently his book returning the Protestant philosopher poet Thomas Traherne to his rightful place among virtue ethicists, The Shining Human Creature.

Just War in Ukraine?

As the drums of war thunder let us not beat them unthinkingly “Sing, O Muse, of the rage of Achilles…” […]

The American Founding, Protestantism, and the Law of Nations

By recovering our own tradition we will be able to learn how, why, and where we can partner with others in broad coalitions to advance laws for the common good of all Americans. We will find the resources to resist a vision of secular social justice which, divorced from God, necessarily devolves into idolatrous tyranny and oppression.