Author: Neil Shenvi

Pat Sawyer

Pat Sawyer Pat Sawyer has an M.A. in communication studies and a Ph.D. in educational studies and cultural studies. He is a faculty member at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He is co-editor of a peer-reviewed education journal and his work is published in peer-reviewed journals, edited academic books, and popular magazines and outlets including The American Conservative, The Gospel Coalition, and The Federalist, among others. He is co-author of the upcoming, Disney as Doorway to Apologetic Dialogue: Exploring Disney’s Moral Metanarrative. He can be found on Twitter @RealPatSawyer.

Neil Shenvi

Neil Shenvi Neil Shenvi has a Ph.D. in Theoretical Chemistry from UC Berkeley and an A.B. in Chemistry from Princeton. He is the author of Why Believe? A Reasoned Approach to Christianity (Crossway, 2022) and has published at The Gospel Coalition, Themelios, Eikon, and the Journal of Christian Legal Thought. He homeschools his four children through Classical Conversations and can be found on Twitter at @NeilShenvi.

Is Racial Dialogue Possible?

In George Yancy’s Beyond Racial Division he challenges the two most prevalent models for understanding race in our culture, "colorblindness" and "antiracism." While his overall approach is excellent, Beyond Racial Division is flawed in certain respects. Its shortcomings are found not primarily in what it says, but in what it fails to say.