Reformed Political Theology Today
Slavery to political ideologies ought to be an impossibility for the Christian because he knows that service to earthly authority is an expression of his submission to his heavenly King.
Slavery to political ideologies ought to be an impossibility for the Christian because he knows that service to earthly authority is an expression of his submission to his heavenly King.
Even one of the most pro-religious liberty, pro-separation of Church and State Baptists recognized that the Constitution was rooted in principles derived from God.
In the midst of this Big Sort, there has never been a greater opportunity to lead with clarity and courage.
All Christians at all times need to know, rest, and rely on the truths present in Christ’s ascension.
Beauty is a type of natural revelation, that general knowledge of God that is available to all.
There’s power in the plain-spoken truth of scripture.
Strategies for a church hated, targeted, institutionally weakened, and financially poorer.
Today's Progressive Inquisition does not seek to persuade you, but to disempower and destroy you.
Those who wish to live rightly in God’s world must not overcorrect by seeking to give up all power, control, authority, and gain.
The language of trauma cannot be allowed to displace the church’s own distinctive speech.