Baptists and Christian Nationalism
A question is whether the civil power is to recognize the source of its power and whether it must remain ignorant of the doctrine of the church.
A question is whether the civil power is to recognize the source of its power and whether it must remain ignorant of the doctrine of the church.
The public good is the great end of government.
The establishment of government is for the common good and the right of alteration to the same is derived from the same interest.
They make for good Tories and Loyalists: all is well, abuses can be corrected according to traditional means, and that talk of revolution is sheer insanity.
Republishing historic works that constitute a new but truer American canon of political though.
"We ought to consider what is the end of government, before we determine which is the best form."
The purposes were the same then as now, to discredit grievances, kneecap the opposition and to distract from their own subversion.
Resistance is justified when the regime threatens the longevity of the commonwealth itself.
The opposition actually wants to live with continuity, to be congruent with original national character and purpose. That’s an advantage.
The character and mood of a worthy magistrate is by nature martial.