Category: Society

The Specter of a New Serfdom

Liberalism, democracy, individual Lockean property rights, and freedom of thought—these Joel Kotkin offers up as the elements of the lost golden age to which he hopes we may return. Indeed, he actively pours scorn on the more interdependent, organic model of society that characterized our pre-liberal past, deeming it one of the elements of “feudalism” to be shunned. Any thoughtful reading of our current cultural predicament will show that we will need something stronger than warmed-over post-war liberalism to escape the dystopian future that Kotkin so vividly portrays.

Is Pro-Life Bad for Business?

Passing socially conservative legislation can indeed create a real business cost. But that cost is generally not as high as the headlines would suggest. Social policy is but one of many factors that drive overall decisions by individuals and corporations. Perhaps abortion will reset the clock back to the previous era circa 2000, but that’s not yet evident.

Is Racial Dialogue Possible?

In George Yancy’s Beyond Racial Division he challenges the two most prevalent models for understanding race in our culture, "colorblindness" and "antiracism." While his overall approach is excellent, Beyond Racial Division is flawed in certain respects. Its shortcomings are found not primarily in what it says, but in what it fails to say.

Christians Volunteering Pronouns?

The world’s definition of compassion is unquestioned affirmation and inoffensiveness. The problem with this sort of thinking is that, at best, it’s sub-Christian, and, at worst, deeply non-Christian. Biblical compassion is the application of Christ-like mercy to individuals who are caught in situations of duress. Rather than celebrate or affirm duress, true compassion and true love rejoice in the truth (1 Cor. 13:6). Perpetuating falsehood under a false rubric of compassion is how the Enemy would have us hate our neighbor.

Critical Theory and the Gospel

We should not be surprised that Critical Theory can be understood as a kind of religion—a kind of idolatrous endeavor which cannot but help think about ultimate realities in a way which both borrows from traditional biblical themes and categories, while simultaneously corrupting, marginalizing, and even mocking them.

What’s Happening to Young Evangelical Women?

There are frightening sexual trends among females that deserve our attention. Nowhere is this clearer—at least for conservative Christian believers concerned with transmitting a sound, biblical sexual ethic to the next generation—than in matters related to beliefs about sexuality and sexual practice.

The Constitution of Order

There are basically two ways for a people to maintain social order: law backed by coercion, and convention or custom backed by social sanctions. To be sure, the two are intertwined, and every society employs a mixture. But establishing and maintaining an enduring order depends on a fairly low coercion-to-convention ratio.

Farewell to Roe

The real battle is just beginning, for it is clear that the militantly pro-abortion forces in our country will stop at nothing to restore their constitutional “right to abortion” by packing the Court, passing federal legislation of fraudulent constitutionality, or, failing those goals, to liberalize abortion legislation throughout the fifty states by winning elections in the states and localities.

Yoram Hazony and the Conservative Life

There was a time when politics was understood not simply as the maneuverings of special interest groups seeking power, but as a way of talking about the best ways for human beings to live together in the world. Yoram Hazony’s new book, Conservatism: A Rediscovery, is firmly situated in this older understanding of politics. It is also a brilliant, moving, and compelling account of what it means to be a conservative in today’s world

The ERLC’s Moral Doublespeak on Abortion

Baptists will also be faced with very real questions about who will best represent them in the public square on something as straightforward as abortion. Like it or not, abortion is the area where those who hold the keys to institutional power in the SBC have decided to double-down in defying the will of the messengers.