Brothers, Don’t Be Steered
The world will frequently seek to co-opt God’s standards by maximizing their offense at certain sins while completely ignoring other sins.
The world will frequently seek to co-opt God’s standards by maximizing their offense at certain sins while completely ignoring other sins.
How long might seeker-sensitive, theologically conservative evangelical pastors tolerate with a clear conscience ignorance in blue-community converts about their politically incorrect views in order to draw in the unsuspecting?
It shows average Americans that they’re not crazy. Things really are headed off the rails in many ways.
Resistance is justified when the regime threatens the longevity of the commonwealth itself.
When people reject God, they will accept anything.
The opposition actually wants to live with continuity, to be congruent with original national character and purpose. That’s an advantage.
The cross is offensive because it subverts the values that order our societies.
Pilgrims fled the negative world and rejected the neutral world for the hope of building a positive world; and they did it for the kids.
This effort will be a massive, long-term project because most radical manifestations of expressive individualism threatening us are the culmination of centuries of intellectual trends.
It appears that our most bitter political divisions are over what we all truly should consider morally outrageous.