Amici Acrimony
Messengers never approved a mechanism to sign the Southern Baptist Convention and its 45,000 churches on to this kind of brief.
Messengers never approved a mechanism to sign the Southern Baptist Convention and its 45,000 churches on to this kind of brief.
The world will frequently seek to co-opt God’s standards by maximizing their offense at certain sins while completely ignoring other sins.
Beliefs are no longer tethered to truths, instead, they’re validated by demand.
How long might seeker-sensitive, theologically conservative evangelical pastors tolerate with a clear conscience ignorance in blue-community converts about their politically incorrect views in order to draw in the unsuspecting?
A postliberal future must confront directly the problems of tradition and history.
"This is God's world, and people have to live by God's rules."
It is a way of conveying truth that sedates people to the very truth you are supposedly attempting to convey.
Most Christians are called to live ordinary lives, faithfully using the gifts and opportunities God has given them to do good.
Though tearing the natural and spiritual apart relieves tension in a pluralistic society, it ultimately neuters God’s character.
Slavery to political ideologies ought to be an impossibility for the Christian because he knows that service to earthly authority is an expression of his submission to his heavenly King.