The Culture Keeps the Score
The language of trauma cannot be allowed to displace the church’s own distinctive speech.
The language of trauma cannot be allowed to displace the church’s own distinctive speech.
The Case for the Law’s First Table A few months ago, Jonathan Leeman debated Brad Littlejohn at Colorado Christian University […]
In its recent decision the Church of England has announced the surrender of Biblical orthodoxy on matters of human sexuality.
A Christian historiography precludes us from hero worship as well as playing the role of a hangman.
Elitist Christianity cannot survive the rigors of hard discipleship. But my grandparents did. And they handed me a legacy to follow.
Substantive critiques of Christian nationalism are needed and welcome. Miller provides neither.
Is it really Walker’s contention that any sort of Christian exclusivism in the law of the land is genuinely worse than those evils it would exclude?
The poor, the humble, the hungry and thirsty, are those who fill themselves with Christ and all the riches of salvation that are found in him alone.
“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!” (1 Chronicles 16:34)
Christian public witness must mean more than carving out thin religious exemptions. It means calling what is wicked, “wicked.”