Category: Society

Pro-Life is Anti-Abortion. Period.

The logic of anti-abortion and COVID-19 precautions cannot be considered “the same logic.” The question of abortion is fundamentally not a prudential, scientific question. COVID-19 measures, on the other hand, clearly depend in part on input from science and goods balancing.

On Shrewdness

If you were asked to compile a list of Christian virtues, I suspect that rather far down on that list (or perhaps absent altogether) would be the virtue of shrewdness. I further suspect this is because shrewdness is often conflated with a kind of sly dishonesty and is therefore thought unable to bear the Christian name.

White Evangelical Christian Nationalist Abolitionists

When "Christian nationalism" and "white Evangelical" are increasingly nothing more than imprecise and vaporous taxonomies it’s important to not concede certain rhetorical anathemas to what is actually contemporary political partisanship disguised as scholarship.

Academic Freedom is Not Enough

Whether they be theological seminaries, liberal arts colleges, or research universities, institutions of higher education have a telos apart from the public square which involves recognizing revealed truth, not merely pursuing it.

The False Hope of Antiracism

Christian blacks and whites must reject the heterodoxy, heteropraxy, and pharisaical nature of antiracism. It doesn’t bring healing, nor can it be synthesized with Christianity. It’s a false religion that distracts Christians from that which has the power to change minds, hearts, and systems—the redemptive covenant of Jesus Christ.

Rittenhouse, etc.

Why I Hate August” remains up on the The Gospel Coalition site and Copeland is still listed as a TGC Council Member. In fact, TGC appears to be between a rock and a hard place. They really have three options: they can remove the article without comment, remove it with a retraction, or keep it up. All three options have their costs.

The Allure of the Post-Christian Right

Conservatives are currently playing defense in American society. Draconian COVID-19 lockdowns, an overzealous justice system taking political prisoners, multinational corporations […]