The Problems of Christian Nationalism
What is really at issue is strategic how much influence is warranted in the political environment, and tactical, the right electoral appeal.
What is really at issue is strategic how much influence is warranted in the political environment, and tactical, the right electoral appeal.
Christian Nationalism is a restorative, civilizational movement that sets out to challenge and conquer Critical Neo-Liberalism, and then restore the American way of life according to her western and Christian heritage.
The Case for the Law’s First Table A few months ago, Jonathan Leeman debated Brad Littlejohn at Colorado Christian University […]
A Response to John Ehrett's critique of The Case for Christian Nationalism.
Nationalism, despite its dangers, remains the best political philosophy available to Christians.
In this translation of portions of an interview with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (to our knowledge the only Calvinist head of state in the world) we get a glimpse into how one modern Democratic nation has attempted to infuse Christian principles into its governance.